View Full Version : Problems with httpd.conf load from floppy

09-09-2004, 04:04 PM
Hi all!

I'm using knoppix 3.4 and I'm having some problems i wanna tell you about.

I want to configure a "emergency" apache server, loading home directory and knoppix configuration files from a floppy on boot.

Configuration files loads ok but I have a problem with httpd.conf.

I modified this file targeting DocumentRoot property to /mnt/sda1/www and then i saved the configuration on a floppy, but it seems not to be loaded ok.

When I look at httpd.conf after booting, DocumentRoot is set to default /var/www, but other configuration parameters about kde, mozilla, and others seems to be ok loaded.

Any idea? Thanks

P.D. Sorry about my english writting :-')

09-10-2004, 01:34 AM
Make sure httpd.conf is in floppy.

apache -f /mnt/floppy/httpd.conf