View Full Version : 3.2 and Dell Inspiron 2500 with Orinoco silver 802.11b

03-22-2003, 09:04 AM

I tried to boot the latest 3.2 on my Dell Inspiron 2500 but it hangs while loading the kernel. I then tried the failsafe option and can get everything working. However, this mode disable everything on my machine(PCMCIA thus no network). So I tried the noscsi options and can pass the boot up hanging issue but it hangs again when it launch X. Don't know how to fix this though. The chipset used is i815(which is properly detected by Knoppix). Also, by enabling the PCMCIA, the network card is properly identified but the driver failed some how. Again, I don't know where to look for in order to fix it.

thanks for anyhelp in advance.

