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View Full Version : Knoppix on laptop/wireless LAN

03-22-2003, 11:31 AM
Knoppix is designed with easy to use in mind but the current support on laptop and wireless LAN is still shaky, IMO. As anyone can see the trend that more and more new system will be laptop and the new networking of choice will be 802.1x, support for this setup needs to be boosted in the upcoming versions.

I understand that this is actually not a KNOPPIX problem but more the underlying Debian.

Why I am saying this ? I am still not able to run KNOPPIX properly on my DELL Inspiron and I read about problems for the Debian distribution and Inspiron too.

04-01-2003, 09:05 PM
Dell's true mobiles are lucent clones and the latest lucent patches are not on the 23/3 CD.

Use iwconfig / kismet / kismet_monitor to set the card to orinoco and see if it scans.

Host Ap mode would be nest for prism users - Knoppix would boot - use kismet to see if there was an AP locally - if not then it would setup as it's own AP / DHCP server (with tons of firewalling) - instant wireless network.

This could also be done on a lan - the rule being if you don't see another DHCP server then you're it ;)