View Full Version : copying files

09-15-2004, 03:26 AM
ya my windows just died, ive never use knoppix before or anything like it, i need to get some files from my C to my other drives when i try to copy and paste it says it cant write the file. can u even copy files wiht knoppix? if so how? any help would be appreciated


09-15-2004, 03:45 AM
ya my windows just died, ive never use knoppix before or anything like it, i need to get some files from my C to my other drives when i try to copy and paste it says it cant write the file. can u even copy files wiht knoppix? if so how? any help would be appreciated

What type of drive are you copying too? If its FAT then yes knoppix can copy to it. Its just knoppix for saftly makes every drive read-only by default.

Just right-click the drive -> actions -> change read/write mode.

09-15-2004, 01:01 PM
its ntfs format, and when i try to change read/write thing is says drive is not mounted please mount, so i mounted, then when i try it says this drive is NTFS!! it says its too risky so i should only do read write manually, i dont know how

09-15-2004, 04:56 PM

Not to diss NTFS, but, is the "source" and "target" drives both ntfs???

What files do you need to copy off of the source, data files, document files, etc... ?

If all you need is your personal" files from the defunct drive, I would mount your "C" drive as read only anyway, if you have a FAT partition on your system, that is where I would copy your "personal" files to... I know that with Knoppix v3.4, it has ntfs support, not exactly sure how good it is, in other words, can it safely replicate a ntfs file in a way that "Windows" won't scream that the file is corrupt or something...

If your intent is to "salvage" as much as you can from a dead drive, ntfs or not, get the files any way you can, who knows just how long you will still be able to access them... You can try to copy a ntfs file from ntfs to another ntfs drive, but, you could end up wasting your time, especially if Windows is going to say the copied file is corrupt on you. Best bet would be to read the ntfs drive, and copy to a FAT drive - Windows can't scream about a FAT drive, not as much as it can with a ntfs one, that is...

Just some ideas,
Ms. Cuddles

09-15-2004, 07:54 PM
the source and the target are both ntfs format, im trying to get few personal files, pictures, text documents, ect, when i mount my target drive, and try to change read/write mode it says its ntfs and i need to copy manually, which i dont know how to do, im just using knoppix temporarily till i get windows back, so if anyone knows how i can copy a few *not so important files* it would be a great help thanks


09-15-2004, 10:26 PM
You try captive ntfs and see if that works. I havn't got it working but other people have.

(Linux by defualt can't safly write to NTFS which is why you get the warning.)

09-15-2004, 10:28 PM
what is captive ntfs where do i get it? install it? ect

09-15-2004, 10:45 PM
i have captive ntfs but when i try to install it asks for the root password, ive got all default stuff, so what is the password?

09-15-2004, 11:24 PM
i have captive ntfs but when i try to install it asks for the root password, ive got all default stuff, so what is the password?
Knoppix by default has no root password.

Hit ctrl-alt-F2 and then type passwd.