View Full Version : rtlinux problem on knoppix

09-15-2004, 02:16 PM
Hi all:
I am running an rtlinux program under Knoppix. The program has been tested successfully on another computer. But on my computer, when I insert the module, there is an error read like the following:

hello.o: hello.o: unresolved symbol rtl_printf
hello.o: hello.o: unresolved symbol gethrtime
hello.o: hello.o: unresolved symbol rtl_sched
hello.o: hello.o: unresolved symbol pthread_delete_np
hello.o: hello.o: unresolved symbol pthread_make_periodic_np
hello.o: hello.o: unresolved symbol pthread_wait_np
hello.o: hello.o: unresolved symbol __pthread_create
Hint: You are trying to load a module without a GPL compatible license
and it has unresolved symbols. The module may be trying to access
GPLONLY symbols but the problem is more likely to be a coding or
user error. Contact the module supplier for assistance, only they
can help you.

Anyone can help?

09-28-2004, 11:34 AM

What kind of knoppix are you using for running rtlinux programs ?
Your unresolved symbol messages look like wrong kernel usage ; special knoppix kernel is needed : 2.4.24-rtl3.2-pre3 kernel with cloop module and rtlinux patch for Knoppix 3.3

Here is a reporting explaining how to use rtlinux with installed Knoppix 3.3 and since few days how to customize RTLinux Knoppix 3.3 CD :


But may be you used an other way I did'nt found on internet ?
How do you use rtlinux with knoppix ?

Have a nice day

Aimé Vareille