View Full Version : any one help????

09-16-2004, 07:46 AM
i am using window XP professional edition, RAM is 256mb, Processor is 933mHZ, should i suitable to use the knoppix software??

As i know, the knoppix software is using the CD to run the Linux, how come i still need a least 2GB in the Harddisk???

is it i just need to download the "KNOPPIX_V3.6-2004-08-16-EN.iso" file then burn it into the CD, then should be ok, is it????

09-16-2004, 08:02 AM
You only need one question mark. That system is ok for knoppix. The 2gb is needed for a harddrive install, if you just want to run it off of the cd, you don't need a hard drive at all. Burn the CD as an image, do not open it and drag the files then burn as a data cd, then it should work; Nero -> Burn Image.