View Full Version : OFF TOPIC: Port Redirection

09-17-2004, 01:38 AM
Hi, it's been a long time since my post (about a year), but I'm still here ;)

I just moved to a different place ,and a new school, and this one has a different security system... Their nat server only allows some ports out, and one of the blocked ports is the secure http port. This makes it not possible for me to check my gmail, which requires a secure connection to log in. Does anyone know of any services or ANYTHING that would let me type a url like http://ip:25 or http://ip:80 and redirect to https://www.gmail.com:440 (or whatever the port for https is?
I'm sure port 25 is unblocked, because when I go on AIM, i can change the default port to 25, and it connects. No proxy required.

Ok, thanks in advance.


09-17-2004, 07:40 PM
bump. I posted this in two different forums, and I got the same number of reads, and not one answer, suggestion or anything...Anyone? :D