View Full Version : Xbox knoppix

09-18-2004, 09:51 PM
Alot of us have heard of "xbox-linux", right?
Well.... after messing with 3.4 for a long time ive finally ported it to xbox:wink:!

But i have a question... am i allowed to release it to the public??

09-18-2004, 11:19 PM
Alot of us have heard of "xbox-linux", right?
Well.... after messing with 3.4 for a long time ive finally ported it to xbox:wink:!

Congratulations, that sounds excellent. Now that the new price of the xbox is just $150, I wanted to buy one in the next days anyway (just as a Linux server).

So here are my questions:
* What did you change in Knoppix to make it run?
* Does KDE run on the 64MB Xbox? Usably fast?
* What is needed besides an original Xbox to run it?

But i have a question... am i allowed to release it to the public??

Sure! Knoppix is GPL. We are looking forward to test it.

09-19-2004, 01:12 AM
* What did you change in Knoppix to make it run?
Not much, i pretty much just created a XBE (with OpenXDK, not XDK)
that booted the linux kernal, i may be able to get other distros to boot with a few mods :)

* Does KDE run on the 64MB Xbox? Usably fast?
Yes, it runs, it is slow... mabey a few mods to the KDE (like striping it down some) would help.

* What is needed besides an original Xbox to run it?
A modchip/softmod

A good softmod tut is @

I will be making a alpha release tomorrow, im going to fix a bug tonight that sometimes makes it freeze up before booting the kernal.

09-19-2004, 01:13 AM
There is already a KNOPPIX inspired distro for xbox(Xebian).

09-19-2004, 01:15 AM
I dont care... i just did this more to less becuse i was bored one day, and had the idea.

09-19-2004, 01:25 AM
What are you all doing with your Linux-Xboxes? Just playing around, or has anyone actually found a real use for it?

I am thinking about a home server, but I read the Xbox consumes 100 Watt of power, whereas EPIA-systems need only 30 or so. Is there a way to disable the integrated video and save power?

09-19-2004, 01:30 AM
What are you all doing with your Linux-Xboxes? Just playing around, or has anyone actually found a real use for it?

I can have a use, but most people use it messing around, or for a server.

09-19-2004, 10:52 AM
What are you all doing with your Linux-Xboxes? Just playing around, or has anyone actually found a real use for it?

I am thinking about a home server, but I read the Xbox consumes 100 Watt of power, whereas EPIA-systems need only 30 or so. Is there a way to disable the integrated video and save power?

Yes, power is a real issue for 24/7. I use it as a media center and linux development.

EPIA-systems are great but more expensive than Xbox at the moment(mine is a used one bought at 100 US). I fail to find a way to turn off the video chip and the CPU, only can save some power for the HD.

I find that for real server use, may be get a PC from ebay with wake-on-lan support and power saving is better. As in general, the server would only be in used when I want to use it and in other times, I would rather have it sleeping(when I am sleeping, out for other activities).

09-19-2004, 10:56 AM
* What did you change in Knoppix to make it run?
Not much, i pretty much just created a XBE (with OpenXDK, not XDK)
that booted the linux kernal, i may be able to get other distros to boot with a few mods :)

* Does KDE run on the 64MB Xbox? Usably fast?
Yes, it runs, it is slow... mabey a few mods to the KDE (like striping it down some) would help.

* What is needed besides an original Xbox to run it?
A modchip/softmod

A good softmod tut is @

I will be making a alpha release tomorrow, im going to fix a bug tonight that sometimes makes it freeze up before booting the kernal.

xromwell or xbeboot can boot all flavour of xbox-capable linux kernels and you don't even need any XDK, just gnu C compiler is good enough. They are the equivalent of lilo/grub on PC.

BTW, the link about Xbox modding is pretty old especially for softmod. Try http://www.xbox-scene.com for latest techniques. I can now boot straightly to linux on power up using softmod without losing any game playing capability of it.

09-19-2004, 06:38 PM
Heres the site:

09-20-2004, 05:29 AM
Heres the site:

great :) I'll check this out asap I have my Xbox and the mod!