View Full Version : Screen Resolution Problems

03-23-2003, 01:47 PM
I have Knoppix installed to the HD. If I log in as root, I get one resolution. If I log in as "knoppix" I get another. What's even more strange, is if I run a program as root while logged in as "knoppix user", it run's as root's resolution. Here's a screenshot.

http://www.crotchett.com/images/resolution.png Hopefully, my no-ip address will update itself.

I looked at fonts. But, they didn't really seem to have anything to do with it. They could, but it's not just the fonts that look bigger. Any ideas?


03-24-2003, 12:08 AM
I have Knoppix installed to the HD. If I log in as root, I get one resolution. If I log in as "knoppix" I get another.

Do you boot directly into X or do you have to log in and then type 'startx' ?

03-31-2003, 01:34 PM
I have Knoppix installed to the HD. If I log in as root, I get one resolution. If I log in as "knoppix" I get another.

Do you boot directly into X or do you have to log in and then type 'startx' ?

I boot to the GUI login manager. I think it's KDM. But, I don't know the difference between the different ones.


Sorry it took so long to get a reply posted. It's been hectic around here (exams, car trouble and so on).

03-31-2003, 02:31 PM
OK well check out your XF86Config-4 file.


Log in as root and -check it out-log in as Knoppix-check it out. You could copy and paste to an email draft or save it to a text file for example just so you can have the two side by side and not have to constantly switch back and forth. The things I would look for are:
Under the "monitor" section
Under the "device" section
-which driver is it using vga, svga, (mine's a savage for example)
Under the "screens" section (and here's where I would guess the problem to be)
-default depth
-are the modes the same under each SubSection "Disply"
Obviously if it is set to a default depth of 16 then you aren't utilizing your monitor very well- change the default to 24 or 32.

Post your XF86Config if you need help.