View Full Version : Partition

09-22-2004, 09:04 PM
I know how to create a partition and everything but is there a way to make one password protected so you can only access it if you have a password so that you could store stuff and other ppl couldnt mess with it

09-22-2004, 11:28 PM
Knoppix can encryt your Persistent home with AES, but it requires a 20 charcater password

09-22-2004, 11:53 PM
no i need a partition that is accesible and writable by windows and the persistnet home is not readable by windows

09-23-2004, 12:40 AM
no i need a partition that is accesible and writable by windows and the persistnet home is not readable by windows

Companies provide software that can creat virtual encrypted disks. But if your looking for something that both windows and knoppix can read, then chances are your out of luck.

09-23-2004, 01:17 AM
set up your partition, make everything owned by root or by a specific user, then set permissions in /etc/fstab with umask so that only the owner can view the files.
see man mount & man fstab. windows knows nothing about file permissions so whatever permissions you set will not affect windows access.
If you have a 'knoppix style' hd install you will have to add 'nofstab' to your 'append=' line in lilo (then rerun lilo) so knoppix will not overwrite your fstab when it boots.

09-23-2004, 01:36 AM
set up your partition, make everything owned by root or by a specific user, then set permissions in /etc/fstab with umask so that only the owner can view the files.
see man mount & man fstab. windows knows nothing about file permissions so whatever permissions you set will not affect windows access.
If you have a 'knoppix style' hd install you will have to add 'nofstab' to your 'append=' line in lilo (then rerun lilo) so knoppix will not overwrite your fstab when it boots.

Only problem is that windows can't view any partitoin capable of permissions nativly.