View Full Version : how install cedega-wineX in knoppix .... cvs??

09-24-2004, 06:50 AM
I heard and i've see some guy who are install cedega winex in debian. But i think they do it with CVS, and i don't understand somuch about that. Some body can help or guide with this...

thanks from Chile

PD: Sorry for my poor english.
PD2: I need that for my games, i miss they since i use Debian or knoppix, is the same thing. Really, i use Debian, but for questions come here why this is the same ... bye guys nad thnxs!!

05-30-2005, 12:57 AM
cedega is rather easy to install. it does have a few debian packages in the initial install cd. i installed it using kpackage, some ppl dont like it but i find that it works just fine. make sure that your glibc++ is up to date otherwise it will not work, after that just install the debian package thru the means that you normally would (kpackage, aptget, etc.). installing games in a totally other matter. have fun