View Full Version : knoppix hangs when it boots up

09-26-2004, 03:00 PM
hi all:

i burned a cpoy of 3.6 and tried to boot up on my old laptop (dell latitute cpi). it just hung there.:

Welcome to the KNOPPIX live Linux-on-CD!

Scanning for USB/Firewire devices... Done.
Enabling DMA acceleration for hda [IBM-DKLA-24320]
Enabling DMA acceleration for hdc [Toshiba CD-ROM XM-1802B]
Looking for CDROM in: /dev/scd0

that's it!!! it just hangs right there ...

any ideas?


09-26-2004, 05:22 PM
Try some cheatcodes. F2 at the prompt to see some. They are like Knoppix ..........what =ever the cheatcode is. Knoppix lang=us alsa ......

09-26-2004, 07:42 PM
tahnsk. i used the nob "nodma" and got it boot up on the laptop.