View Full Version : adding PGP suuport

09-26-2004, 03:37 PM
I'm not exactly new to Linux, but I've just installed Knoppix. I usually run windows XP, and I'm trying to convert everything to Linux. Right now my main issue is PGP support. I use TheBat! email program and I have pgp8.1 installed and running on XP. How do I get all my keys and PGP info over to Knoppix? and how do you install GnuPGP in Knoppix running from a CD, or is that possible? right now I am using Kmail, although I have Mozilla mail setup also. I might eventually install Xandros and run Crossover, to get TheBat! working, but I kinda like Kmail. I'd rather not run Crossover if I don't have to, the native Linux apps are just fine for me, I'm used to Mailx and VI:)

09-26-2004, 05:42 PM
I'm not exactly new to Linux, but I've just installed Knoppix. I usually run windows XP, and I'm trying to convert everything to Linux. Right now my main issue is PGP support. I use TheBat! email program and I have pgp8.1 installed and running on XP. How do I get all my keys and PGP info over to Knoppix? and how do you install GnuPGP in Knoppix running from a CD, or is that possible? right now I am using Kmail, although I have Mozilla mail setup also. I might eventually install Xandros and run Crossover, to get TheBat! working, but I kinda like Kmail. I'd rather not run Crossover if I don't have to, the native Linux apps are just fine for me, I'm used to Mailx and VI:)

easy. kmail supports pgp even better than any windows program, I think. I think you should wait some time until a knoppix with KDE 3.3 is out, and you'll be happy. It wil automatically decode encrypted messages, and reply with encryption to them. and the same with signed messages. it can also encrypt its attachments, and you won't even notice the difference between non-encrypted and encrypted communication ;-)

09-28-2004, 09:25 PM
so I should wait for a future version of Knoppix with KDE 3.3 ??
would that be the 3.7 version ?
another question.
I'm saving my config to a floppy, yet each time I boot up kmail starts over ( as does Mozilla) just like I had never saved the config. my floppy has configs.tbz and knoppix.sh on it.
my HD is just 1 partition and it is NTFS.

09-28-2004, 09:34 PM
so I should wait for a future version of Knoppix with KDE 3.3 ??
would that be the 3.7 version ?
another question.
I'm saving my config to a floppy, yet each time I boot up kmail starts over ( as does Mozilla) just like I had never saved the config. my floppy has configs.tbz and knoppix.sh on it.
my HD is just 1 partition and it is NTFS.

Try typing floppyconfig at boot. For some reason config=scan or /dev/fd0 never worked for me.

10-12-2004, 12:28 PM
so I should wait for a future version of Knoppix with KDE 3.3 ??
would that be the 3.7 version ?
another question.
I'm saving my config to a floppy, yet each time I boot up kmail starts over ( as does Mozilla) just like I had never saved the config. my floppy has configs.tbz and knoppix.sh on it.
my HD is just 1 partition and it is NTFS.

about knoppix, I think kanotix has currently already KDE 3.3, and the next version of knoppix will have it too (3.7 doesnt).

about the saved config, you should check in the configcenter if a saved session is started, a new session, or the previous. and you should check if mozilla and kmail are in ~/.kde/autostart![/i]