View Full Version : Need Help ASAP!!!

09-26-2004, 09:00 PM
Ok I was just wondering around on my Knoppix 3.4 machine programming a game (MUD) when I noticed my desktop icons disapear right infron of me. I watched them just go away...

Now the problem Im having is I cant right click the desktop anymore, none of the icons are there (but they are still in my /home/desktop folder...) And I cant change the back ground of the desktop.

Not only that, my Knosole is messed up... it doesnt refesh on a new line.. everything starts overlapping itself over and over till it turns completely white...

Anyone know whats up? And I need help fast!!! Plz someone help!

09-26-2004, 09:29 PM
Hmm quite weird... I changed some settings like the theme Im using and the desktop, resolution, and refresh rate, then restarted again and it fixed it. Man.. I thought I was going to have to reinstall... I cant afford to loose what Im working on lol.

Thanks to whom ever actually took the time to read this :D


09-27-2004, 02:47 AM
Ok I was just wondering around on my Knoppix 3.4 machine programming a game (MUD) when I noticed my desktop icons disapear right infron of me. I watched them just go away...

Now the problem Im having is I cant right click the desktop anymore, none of the icons are there (but they are still in my /home/desktop folder...) And I cant change the back ground of the desktop.

Not only that, my Knosole is messed up... it doesnt refesh on a new line.. everything starts overlapping itself over and over till it turns completely white...

Anyone know whats up? And I need help fast!!! Plz someone help!

I have had this happen also, not sure why it does it but usually if you restart x (log out 'end session only') it is OK.

05-30-2005, 01:06 AM
Yea my new thing on my knoppix machine is the KDE will start failing if I have the computer on for a long time. No programs will load and I cant do anything. But its all fixed just by ending the session and logging back in.