View Full Version : desktop shortcut

09-29-2004, 05:24 PM
ive installed opera, i know where it is on the hd but i cant remember how to make a shortcut for it in knosole so i can easily access it from the desktop. any suggestions?

09-29-2004, 06:53 PM

Two methods, that I can come up with... Depending on where you want the "icon"

If you want the "icon" on the desktop, like the "devices" and the "trashcan"...
right-click on the desktop, select Create New, select File, select Link to Application - place Opera in the command, and then click ok, or whatever it has to confirm... This should work, especially if you can type the program in a Konsole as a Command Line, no path needed kind of thing...

If you want the "icon" on the bottom, like a "quick link", placed anywhere along the bottom "tray" with the KMenu "icon", kind of thing...
right-click on the "taskbar" that runs along the bottom, select Panel Menu, select Add, select Application Button, and locate the program in the menu it gives you... Once it is added to the "taskbar" - chances are, it will add the "icon" over by where the clock is, and most of the time, I want my taskbar icons over where the KMenu icon is, you will want to right-click on the icon you want to move, select Move XXXX Button, now move the mouse from side to side, and the icon will follow the position of the mouse, but along the bottom in the taskbar... When you have it where you want it, click the icon with the left mouse button...

I think that will get you want you want, [ :?: ]
Ms. Cuddles

09-29-2004, 07:17 PM
sweeet, thats a lot easier than doing creating the shortcut in konsole, thanks :D

09-29-2004, 07:24 PM
If you want the second method, you might also try creating the desktop icon first, and then dragging it where you want (e.g., into the toolbar).


09-29-2004, 07:24 PM
[duplicate deleted]

09-29-2004, 07:25 PM
No problem, glad I could help,
Ms. Cuddles
PS -=- after sending the response, I realized that this may not be the way to do things in anything other than KDE, since that is what I use, and used it to follow what my "step-by-step" was from -=- glad to hear that I didn't boo-boo, and have you running something like WM, or one of the other Desktop Environments, not having a clue what I was talking about... :D