View Full Version : Remastering 3.6, failed :(

09-30-2004, 12:43 PM
Hey up guys,

I've created my custom KNOPPIX which I can't wait to try out, its just a simple change but enough to say 'yup, I did that' then afterwards I'm gonna try different changes, make it look sexy of course.. But, i'm having problems creating the ISO!!

I've created the large KNOPPIX file in /mnt/hda3/knx/master/KNOPPIX/ and when i try to create the ISO using the following:

mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "My Knoppix CD" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -hide-rr-moved -o /mnt/hda3/knx/myknoppix.iso /mnt/hda3/knx/master

I get a failure, the error is:

mkisofs 2.01a34-unoffical-iconv (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
Scanning /mnt/hda3/knx/master
Scanning /mnt/hda3/knx/master/KNOPPIX
Scanning /mnt/hda3/knx/master/KNOPPIX/images
mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot catalog directory 'boot/isolinux'!

Anyone able to tell me what I'm doing wrong or how to fix this? Please :(



10-01-2004, 07:02 AM
You need to have all the files from the isolinux folder on the knoppix-cd (isolinux.bin) as well as the modified knoppix filesystem image.

10-10-2004, 05:32 PM

I too have remastered the large KNOPPIX ISO, and am now somewhat lost, probably with syntax, and probably because I'm being dim, about how to make the disc bootable.

I'm not new to Linux, but am still very much a beginner.

I am using /hda2/cdrom/ as the directory with all of the future CD contents on, but am finding a problem getting it to recognise the isolinux.bin or boot.cat files required to make the CD usable.

My command line reads...

mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "KNOPPIX" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -hide-rr-move -o /mnt/hda2/remaster/knoppix.iso /mnt/hda2/cdrom/

It simply fails with the same message as Trig without any obvious explanation.

mkisofs 2.01a34-unoffical-iconv (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
Scanning /mnt/hda3/knx/master
Scanning /mnt/hda3/knx/master/KNOPPIX
Scanning /mnt/hda3/knx/master/KNOPPIX/images
mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot catalog directory 'boot/isolinux'!

The hda2/cdrom/boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin and hda2/cdrom/boot/isolinux/boot.cat are both there, and are also there on the CDROM (KN3.6) from which I booted.

I don't quite understand the reply from kelmo, as the files are always on the CD if you boot from it, and they are also in the /hda2/cdrom/boot/isolinux directory.
Have tried a few changes to point it to the boot.cat on my hda2/cdrom image and this doesn't want to know either.

Can anyone advise what I am doing wrong, and what command I should use? I know this one is easy, but as they say, its only easy once you know how!

Many thanks
