View Full Version : A Working Speedtouch USB 330 (!)

10-01-2004, 01:39 PM
I have persuaded a Speedtouch to work under Knoppix under the following *very precise* conditions:

Speedtouch type: ADSL USB version 2, metallic violet, manta shape
Knoppix: 3.6 (Knoppix 3.3 does not work using this method)
Kernel: Both 2.4.27 and 2.6.7 tested ok
Mode: Live from CD (when Knoppix is installed to hard disk the script directories seem to be wrong)
From: /mnt/floppy running the script in root mode
Firmware: File SpeedTouch330_firmware_3012.zip, 752kb, resident on the floppy and downloaded from www.speedtouch.com
Script: speedtouch-adsl.sh downloaded from http://christophe.delord.free.fr/en/adsl/debian.html
My Location: UK
ISP: Tiscali

The script asks for your login and password. If you are not in France you must modify two lines 'VPI=8', 'VCI=35' to 'VPI=', 'VCI='. Then the script will ask for these values too. Correct values for your connection can be found by inspecting the speedtouch diagnostics whilst it is running
successfully under another operating system ;-) Mostly they just vary from country to country. The UK values I used were 0 and 38. There is a list of these values in another script at the sourceforge speedtouchconf project.

Notes: This script is a combined modem firmware download (which causes the modem lights to flash) and then a connect. I usually run it immediately after a power on boot. Therefor a modem plug replug, or a reboot without power down may cause a problem. Also on occasions the script has reported a failure when the connection is in fact ok. If you cannot get a speedtouch to work your best alternative is to buy an ethernet ADSL modem - their use under Linux is more straightforward, and has a wider version compatibility.

Many thanks to Christophe DeLorde for his help.

10-01-2004, 02:26 PM
Kanotix BH7A or even better BH8 (Knoppix derivtives) are an alternative for a simple log-in interface for the Speedtouch 330 (over PPPoATM)


10-10-2004, 12:14 AM
Yes, that's right. I've just downloaded Kanotix BH8 and I'm using it to post this now. You just click Kanotix -> DSL -> Speedtouch PPPoATM conf -> <supply your isp connect id> -> <supply password> and you are connected. Many thanks. :-)