View Full Version : HOWTO: Remaster the easy way using menu based scripts

10-05-2004, 03:02 AM
Updated Sunday June 12, 2005
Please read through this and if possible please test it out as I would like to get rid of any mistakes
More updates & additions soon!

Knoppix 3.9 has a buggy UnionFS and this makes remastering Knoppix 3.9 fail. If you intend to remaster, then you must use Knoppix 3.8.1 or 3.8.2.

HOWTO: Remaster KNOPPIX the easy way using menu based remaster scripts.
- Version 1.0.4 - Monday May 2, 2005
- - - Tested & confirmed this HOWTO with Knoppix 3.8.1
- - - Added 'chmod' to deal with /tmp permissions

- Version 1.0.3 - Saturday December 18, 2004
- - - Credit Ian Naylor as a creator of the remastering scripts
- - - Changed title of HOWTO

- Version 1.0.2 - Monday December 13, 2004
- - - Edit some sections for clarity but not content
- - - Added paragraph stating that remaster can be done all in runlevel 2
- - - Tested & verified that this HOWTO works with Knoppix 3.6, 3.7 Pro (PC Welt), and Knoppix 3.7 public

- Version 1.0.1 - Monday November 22, 2004
- - - Fixed typographical error

- Version 1.0.0 - Friday October 8, 2004
- - - First full posting of HOWTO
- - - Major edits & corrections

Use this at your own risk. I am not responsible for anything that might go wrong. I am human and I may have made a mistake in this HOWTO. Please private message me if you notice any typos or errors. Corrections & suggestions are welcome.

Knoppix is the best Linux live CD available. However, you might have the desire to have your own custom Knoppix. The remastering process is a way creating a new Knoppix CD based off your customizations. Some obvious reasons for making a custom Knoppix CD:
- Knoppix does not have the programs that you require.
- Knoppix is too big to fit on a USB flash drive.
- Knoppix does not support your language.
- You wish to change the default KDE themes & settings.
See the Knoppix Wish List (http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/WishList) for more ideas.

This HOWTO is compiled from my numerous attempts of remastering, the knoppix.net documentation, and the brilliant posters in the forums. At knoppix.net, the documentation is well done and thorough (http://www.knoppix.net/docs/) and the remastering/customization documentation references a detailed and involved method of remastering. I have used this method of remastering and it works. In August, two Knoppix developers, Klaus Knopper & Fabian Franz, created a new set of scripts that "wrap around" the older method with a menu system. This menu simplifies the remastering process and hides the long and sometimes confusing commands from the user. This is my attempt to bring to light this new method that uses these scripts.

From http://www.ukuug.org/events/linux2004/knoppix.shtml:
Remastering KNOPPIX has always been a lot of hassle -- requiring numerous intricate steps on the command line making it easy to forget an important step. While there are several HOWTOs on the net that explain the steps, Ian Naylor (http://www.ukuug.org/bios+profiles/INaylor.shtml) thought it would be a good idea to write some scripts to automate the process. He described this during this year's UKUUG Linux conference (http://www.ukuug.org/events/linux2004/) in Leeds, England. Ian presented a talk on "Building your own Live CD based on KNOPPIX". Fabian Franz (http://www.ukuug.org/bios+profiles/FFranz.shtml), a member of the KNOPPIX team who attended the talk, said afterwards: Ian's scripts just opened my eyes -- it was a very clear structure and for the first time in my life I understood the remastering process from a user's point of view.

Ian and Fabian started talking after the presentation and were inspired to develop a new graphical remastering tool to build acustomised KNOPPIX distribution. One day later Fabian was demonstrating the new script to a stunned audience. Unlike previous efforts to solve the same problem this is based on Klaus Knopper's originalscripts and written in a way so that future improvements in themaster scripts will be reflected in these.

I make no claims that I "discovered or invented" the remastering scripts (see the quoted text above.) My thanks to Klaus Knopper, Ian Naylor, Fabian Franz, Debian developers, KDE developers, the knoppix.net forum moderators, the plethora of knowledgeable forum posters and certainly knoppix.net site admin eadz for creating knoppix.net

This HOWTO assumes that the user has basic knowledge of the command line programs such as ls, mv, cp, df -h, mkdir, etc. You will probably need to use a command line text editor such as vim, emacs, joe, zile. If you remaster in KDE then you can use any of the graphical editors. You will also need a basic understanding of the Debian apt-get (http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html) method of package management. At any point during the remastering process, you can make a backup of your progress. This allows you to fully experiment with your remaster and you can add or delete as you see fit without having to start all over. You can read about making a backup in a section I labeled as "THIS IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL".

The total remastering time is dependant on the time it takes to make all the changes, the HD drive speed and CPU speed. I estimate about 2.5 hours for a mid-range system that follows the package changes listed below.
The first half of the HOWTO can either be done from the command line runlevel 2 or inside X at runlevel 5. The only time you are forced to drop to a console session is running X from the chroot. If you choose to remaster from within KDE (runlevel 5), then when you must follow the steps listed at the section labeled "** END OF FIRST HALF **".

The HOWTO as a whole can be done from command line runlevel 2 without having to jump into KDE & runlevel 5. I use runlevel 5 because I like synaptic over aptitiude/apt-get and I hate the default Knoppix transparent menus and the Keramik widget style. I learned how to remaster just to install the kdeartwork package just so I can get the plastik widgets (which will be default style for KDE 3.4 thank god). If you don't need to custom configure the knoppix user's KDE desktop, and if you are comfortable with the command line and aptitude/apt-get, then you can stay in runlevel 2 and complete the remastering process.

My system:
AMD 1.6 GHz Duron
IDE hard drive /dev/hda is 40GB
IDE hard drive /dev/hdb is 40GB
IDE DVD-ROM drive is /dev/hdc
IDE CD-RW drive /dev/hdd

This HOWTO has been tested with versions:
- - - Knoppix 3.6
- - - Knoopix 3.7 Pro (German PC Welt)
- - - Knoppix 3.7 public

You will need a PC that can boot Knoppix 3.6 or 3.7 to a graphical KDE desktop. You should be able to remaster on that PC as long as you have at least 1 GB combined swap & RAM and 3GB of hard drive space. The 3GB figure is calculated using a remaster filesystem of about 2.1GB which compresses down to about 685MB CD ISO.
NOTE: You do not need to format your C: drive or lose data. This system is my test & experiment system. I format/partition/reinstall Linux & windows on that system regularly. This means I completely lose whatever was on the hard drives.

I boot to the console command line (called runlevel 2) with Knoppix 3.6 english using cheatcodes.
knoppix 2 vga=normal
Get to the console command line (called runlevel 2) with Knoppix 3.7 using cheatcodes.
knoppix 2 lang=us vga=normal
Alternatively, I could use the boot cheatcodes to boot directly to KDE (runlevel 5) and perform the first half of the remastering process from within KDE.
Or If I am using Knoppix 3.7 then I use cheatcodes
knoppix lang=us

When it brings me to the command prompt I use cfdisk and partition hda & hdb as follows:

cfdisk /dev/hda
- hda1 swap 1GB
- hda2 6GB
- the rest of hda is left free

cfdisk /dev/hdb
I partition /dev/hdb as into hdb1 ext3 40GB

I exit cfdisk, it tells me that I have to reboot to make the system recognize the newly created partitions. So I type use the following command to reboot.
init 6
Again I boot with the appropriate cheatcodes.
At the command prompt I format the filesystems.

mkswap /dev/hda1
swapon /dev/hda1
mke2fs -vj /dev/hda2
mke2fs -vj /dev/hdb1

Next I mount the hda2 partition which will be the place where I extract out the remaster

mount -t ext3 /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2
mkdir /mnt/hda2/remaster
cd /mnt/hda2

Now I get the remastering scripts located at http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/remaster/, extract the scripts, and setup my directories.

wget http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/remaster/remaster_0.1-6.tar.gz
tar zxvf remaster_0.1-6.tar.gz
mv remaster-0.1 scripts
cd scripts

I edit the config file so that my remastered CD is personalized. The config file is in the scripts folder at KNOPPIX.build/remaster_config. I leave the _FILESYSTEM variables alone. I leave the REMASTER_COMPRESSION_BEST variable alone even though the best compression might be better since it would take about 4 to 6 times longer to make the compressed filesystem.

The cleanup remaster script uses apt-get and must access the internet or the cleanup will fail. If you are behind a proxy and must authenticate against it to access the internet, then first gather the required proxy info and write it down in the following form


I need to edit the knoppix-remaster script and add the proxy settings. At line 136, I add new line for the proxy

136: cp -f /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf "$REMASTER_CHOICE"/etc/dhcpc/

136: cp -f /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf "$REMASTER_CHOICE"/etc/dhcpc/
137: export http_proxy="http://username:passwd@yourproxy.company.com:portnumber/"

Run the remastering script with the following command.

./knoppix-remaster /mnt/hda2/remaster
Then I follow the menus and create a new remaster and hit <ENTER> for the default path. It will extract the contents of the CD. When it is done it will ask if I want to chroot into the extracted enviornment. Choose the chroot option & it will drop me into a command line enviornment that is inside the extracted Knoppix filesystem. To exit the chroot and get back to the menu, type exit or use the keyboard keys <CTRL-D>.

If you do not want to know more about the chroot, then skip this section.
Chroot changes the perceived root ( / ) of the filesystem. Please examine the following command.

ls /etc/*.conf
That command when run outside a chroot will give us a listing of all .conf files in /etc which are physically on the Knoppix CD. However, that command run inside the chroot will give us a listing of all the .conf files in /etc which is really /mnt/hda2/etc. This means that in our case /mnt/hda2/remaster is mapped to /. Also, all commands run in a chroot only affect the chroot filesystem. See the following links for more info.

The following examples are MY way of customizing Knoppix. (I have no need for other international locales or languages, so I remove them. I do not like the openoffice that is bundled with Knoppix so I replace it.)
I use following command to get a listing of all packages installed.
dpkg-query -l | less While that command is useful, I use grep to sort out which packages I want to remove. The following command shows me packages that kde uses for internationalization support and strips off all the other extraneous information.
dpkg-query -l | grep i18n | grep kde | cut -d' ' -f3 I can feed this to apt-get so that it will remove those packages.
apt-get remove `dpkg-query -l | grep i18n | grep kde | cut -d' ' -f3`
I remove openoffice and other German tools as follows.
apt-get remove openoffice-de-en manpages-de trans-de-en
I remove enigma and bacula as follows
apt-get remove enigma bacula-common
I also remove emacs since I don't like it or use it.
apt-get remove emacs21 emacs21-bin-common emacs21-common emacsen-common gettext-el zile

This gives me a reasonable base to begin updating and adding packages to this system. First I configure /etc/apt/sources.list (http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-basico.en.html) and add the appropriate entries for a local Debian mirror (http://www.debian.org/mirror/list).
If you are behind a proxy and must authenticate against it to access the internet, then use the following command.

export http_proxy="http://username:passwd@yourproxy.company.com:portnumber/"

Next I update the system's package listing with the command.
apt-get update

After that is finished, I add three useful packages.
apt-get install localepurge aptitude synaptic
Localepurge (http://packages.debian.org/stable/admin/localepurge) will only keep the locales that are marked. This means that it will free up additional space. Aptitude (http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/aptitude) is a console menu front end to apt and dpkg, while synaptic (http://www.nongnu.org/synaptic/) is a graphical front end to apt & dpkg.
So far, all of the tasks I have done have been on the command line and requires quite a bit of knowledge and some people view the command line as tedious work. Fortunately I can also use synaptic to add/remove packages. Before I enter a graphical enviornment, I need to make sure it is configured. This next command must be done outside the chroot. From virtual terminal 2 <ALT-F2>, I copy the XF86Config-4 file from /etc/X11 to /mnt/hda2/etc/X11.
cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /mnt/hda2/remaster/etc/X11
I am done with commands outside the chroot and the rest of the commands need to be done inside the chroot. Flip back to virtual terminal 1 <ALT-F1> and copy /etc/skel to /home/knoppix
cp -Rp /etc/skel /home/knoppix
Change the user of /home/knoppix & its files to user knoppix
chown -R knoppix:knoppix /home/knoppix
If you performed the first half of this HOWTO from within KDE, then you must follow these steps.
If you perfored the first half of the HOWTO from console command line session, then DO NOT DO THESE STEPS! You can skip down to the start of the last half.

Exit the chroot by typing exit or <CTRL-D>. Exit the menu by choosing option 6 "Quit the program." Use the following command to go to runlevel 2.
init 2
It will close KDE and leave you at a command prompt.

cd /mnt/hda2/scripts
./knoppix-remaster /mnt/hda2/remaster
Choose "No", I do not want to create a new remaster. Hit <ENTER> to choose the path /mnt/hda2/remaster as default. Choose the chroot option to enter the chroot.

This section is complete.
For Knoppix 3.8.1 only
Now inside the chroot as root user, change the permissions of /tmp to full read/write and execute. If you do not, then KDE will not run.
chmod 777 /tmpEnd For Knoppix 3.8.1 only

Become the user knoppix
su - knoppix
Start X which will start KDE and bring us to a graphical desktop

Now that it is in KDE, I can change the fonts to Bitstream Vera Sans and enable anti-aliasing. I can disable the menu translucency and the konsole translucency. I can use synaptic to add mozilla firefox, openoffice.org, vncviewer, kdeartwork which contains the Plastik widget style, and I can even update KDE from 3.2.3 to 3.3. If I do update all or parts of KDE, it is suggested that I exit KDE (close session), drop back to the command prompt and rerun startx to make sure it is applied.

When I am happy with all the changes that I have made, then it is time to exit KDE. I exit KDE (close session) and I am dropped back at the prompt. I type exit to exit my session as the user knoppix and I am now root.
This assumes that you have at least 3GB of additional free hard disk space.
At this point I want to make a safe backup copy of all the changes that I have made. If you do not want to make a backup copy then skip this part.

I exit the chroot by either typing exit or using the keyboard <CTRL-D>. Now back at the menu, I choose option 6, and quit the program. Next I mount hdb1
mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1
Now I copy the whole remaster to hdb1 for safe keeping.
cp -Rp /mnt/hda2/remaster /mnt/hdb1/backup-remaster
With that complete, I unmount hdb1.

umount /mnt/hdb1

When that is complete I rerun the knoppix-remaster command and tell it "No", I do not want to create a new remaster. Hit <ENTER> to choose the path /mnt/hda2/remaster as default.

./knoppix-remaster /mnt/hda2/remaster

I choose option 1 and chroot into the remaster.
NOTE: The rest of the steps are written with the assumption that it is being done from runlevel 2. However they can be done within KDE by typing init 5, running the knoppix-remaster script, and then chroot into the remaster.

Now I need to make the changes to the system so that the knoppix CD will boot without errors. As a reminder, these commands need to be done inside the chroot, virtual terminal 1 <ALT-F1>.
Delete the existing /etc/skel.
rm -rf /etc/skel
Move /home/knoppix to /etc.
mv /home/knoppix /etc/skel
Change the owner back to root.
chown -R root:root /etc/skel
Remove the XF86Config-4 file as it will get recreated on every bootup.
rm /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

For Knoppix 3.8.1 only
Now inside the chroot as root user, change the permissions of /tmp back to read and execute.
chmod 555 /tmpEnd For Knoppix 3.8.1 only

I must now mention the file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession. This script controls how knoppix behaves & how knoppix creates the knoppix user's home directory. I am looking for the ninth occurence of rsync in the script and it is found at the line 128:

126: if [ -z "$DONTCHANGE" ]; then
127: # No persistent homedir, copy everything
128: rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/{.kde*,Desktop} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
129: [ "$USER" = "knoppix" ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/{.kde*,Desktop} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null

It is line 128 which populates the /home/knoppix folder. So In line 128, I delete from & including the { to the }. It is changed as follows.

126: if [ -z "$DONTCHANGE" ]; then
127: # No persistent homedir, copy everything
128: rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/ $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
129: [ "$USER" = "knoppix" ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/{.kde*,Desktop} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null

Make the change and save the 45xsession file. Enter the following command to clean up the downloaded .deb packages.
apt-get clean
I want to remove any traces of recently used programs in KDE so I edit /etc/skel/.kde/share/config/kickerrc and I find the field that reads something like

RecentAppsStat=9 1096000374 /usr/share/applications/mozilla.desktop

I edit the line and leave the end blank


I am now all done with the customization and want to exit the chroot by either typing exit or using the keyboard <CTRL-D>. I flip back to virtual terminal 2 <ALT-F2>, and since I am paranoid, I delete /mnt/hda2/remaster/etc/skel/.bash_history & delete /mnt/hda2/remaster/root/.bash_history.
rm /mnt/hda2/remaster/etc/skel/.bash_history /mnt/hda2/remaster/root/.bash_historyI flip back to virtual terminal 1 <ALT-F1> and run the knoppix-remaster script.

./knoppix-remaster /mnt/hda2/remaster
I choose option 2 "Create compressed fs". It will ask me "Do you want to cleanup your remaster?" & I choose yes.

NOTE: a remaster filesystem of about 2.1GB compresses down to about 685MB CD ISO. I can check the system size by issuing the commands df -h or du -h --max-depth=1.

At this point it is fully automated and will create compressed Knoppix filesystem that is found on the Knoppix CD.

Compression times that I have experienced
Pentium 3 - 450 MHz 384MB aprox. 1hr 15min
Duron 1.6 GHz 768MB RAM aprox. 25 min
Opteron 242 (1.4GHz) 1GB RAM aprox 12 min

When the compressed filesystem step is complete, I choose option 3 "Create isofs" to create the ISO file. Again, through the wonders of these scripts, it is all automated. Once that step is complete, I choose the option 6 & quite the program.
I finished ISO file is located at /mnt/hda2/remaster/Knoppix.build/Knoppix.Master/KNOPPIX-CUSTOM.iso.

At this point I burn the ISO to CD. If you have an available CDRW drive in your system like my /dev/hdd, then type init 5 to go to runlevel 5 where it runs KDE and you can burn the CD with K3B. Or you can burn the CD from the command line. First get the CDRW device ID numbers via
cdrecord -scanbus
It will scan your system and display a list of devices. Identify the ID numbers in form #,#,#. My CDRW is 1,1,0. Load the CDRW drive with a blank CDR and use the command below to burn the ISO to the CDR.

cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=1,1,0 speed=32 -dao driveropts=burnfree -eject -data /mnt/hda2/remaster/Knoppix.build/Knoppix.Master/KNOPPIX-CUSTOM.iso
If you do not have a available CDRW drive, then perhaps you can boot into the graphical KDE environment via init 5. In KDE you can use the Knoppix menu and start the samba service to permit sharing of the hard drives via Windows network filesharing. Or you can copy the ISO to a FAT32 partition.
This ends my HOWTO. Please private message me if you notice any typos or errors. Corrections & suggestions are welcome.
Happy remastering!

10-05-2004, 05:59 AM
good read...thanx! i'll be using your tips along with the scripts to create my rescue cd :)

10-06-2004, 03:13 AM
tried it today...

the good:

slimmed my iso down to 280mb!!! :shock:

the bad:

apt broke...when i go into aptitude it doesn't show the "Installed Packages" section :cry:

I think it happened during the cleanup phase of the scripts just before you do the compress_fs

10-06-2004, 04:27 AM
tried it today...
the good:
slimmed my iso down to 280mb!!! :shock:

That is great! No really. Congrats to you. :D I haven't yet gotten my knoppix smaller than 350MB, though I admit that I didn't try too hard.

the bad:
apt broke...when i go into aptitude it doesn't show the "Installed Packages" section :cry:
I think it happened during the cleanup phase of the scripts just before you do the compress_fs
I think I have seen that before myself. Either something broke, I experienced a aptitude bug, or umm I just remembered that there is way to change the view in aptitude from Status (installed, not installed, upgradeable) to Sections (Base, Communications, Development).
Perhaps that might help.


10-06-2004, 05:22 AM
nope...not with the view...upon further investigation i find that i can't even apt-get any new apps...i can however apt-get remove...but no install anymore :(...maybe i just took out too much

i'm trying again tonight

10-08-2004, 05:56 AM
I updated the HOWTO. It is now easier to read, gives the user alternatives and better explantions, lists possible reasons for remastering, and is in a better sectional format.

10-14-2004, 05:45 AM
i tried it again twice...

1st attempt i did everything exactly as i did before with my mods and changes and ran all the way through including the cleanup section and had the same result...installed packages disapeared from aptitude and it removed the ability to install more if i needed to later...

my 2nd attempt faired better when i avoided running the cleanup method...result was a larger iso BUT the ability to install packages later if i wanted to.

i then inspected the script for cleanup and ran everything manually except for the apt portion...

any ideas?

btw, thanx for this...well thought out and well written... :)

10-14-2004, 04:30 PM
Have you already tried to compile your own kernel for a remastered knoppix?
Any suggestion?

10-14-2004, 07:12 PM
i tried it again twice...
i then inspected the script for cleanup and ran everything manually except for the apt portion...

any ideas?

btw, thanx for this...well thought out and well written... :)
Sorry, I have no idea why it might disable the installed packages portion.
Thanks for the followup and thanks for the compliments.

Have you already tried to compile your own kernel for a remastered knoppix?
Any suggestion?
No, I have not tried to compile my own Knoppix kernel. That is certainly something for me to try in the future.

11-14-2004, 03:33 PM
Hello, I've found a typo

Fortunately I can also use synaptic to add/remove packages. Before I enter a graphical enviornment, I need to make sure it is configured. This next command must be done outside the chroot. From virtual terminal 2 <ALT-F2>, I copy the XF86Config-4 file from /etc/X11 to /mnt/hda2/etc/X11.


cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /mnt/hda2/etc/X11

Last line should be

cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /mnt/hda2/remaster/etc/X11

I owe you a beer for this howto, if you'd come to Rome...

12-13-2004, 07:10 AM
I hate to be the devils advocate here but I would love to see this same HOW TO using
-just- run level 2!

Does anybody have a link to a how-to for Knoppix 3.6 or 3.7 that describes the remastering
process as well (if not better) than the above using -only- the command line run level 2?

PERSONAL NOTE: Anybody willing to make a new HOW-TO, I would love to see a section
that assumes the user wants to recompile his/her kernel for the remastered KNOPPIX.
I can not imagine using the stock kernel when there are so many goodies out there
that can be included. ;-)

12-13-2004, 05:36 PM
I hate to be the devils advocate here but I would love to see this same HOW TO using
-just- run level 2!
OK. Just don't use runlevel 2. :wink: :shock: (I'm joking. sorta)
I use runlevel 5 and jump into KDE for the reasons that I like synaptic over aptitiude/apt-get and that I hate the default Knoppix transparent menus and the Keramik widget style. I install the kdeartwork package just so I can get the plastik widgets (which will be default style for KDE 3.4 thank god). If you don't need to custom configure the knoppix user's KDE desktop, and if you are comfortable with the command line and aptitude, then you can stay in runlevel 2 and complete the remastering process.

:D ** I have updated the HOW TO reflect the concept of remastering entirely in runlevel 2 **

Anybody willing to make a new HOW-TO, I would love to see a section
that assumes the user wants to recompile his/her kernel for the remastered KNOPPIX.
That person will probably not be me. :( I find that custom compiling a new knoppix kernel is a task that is not applicable to the scope of this HOWTO. My initial reasons for remastering knoppix was to change the default KDE settings. Yes, I hate the transparent menus that much. :D I was familiar with the complicated remastering HOWTO and so I used that. When Fabian posted the menu scripts, I junped for joy since I would not have to remember all the commands. Now knoppix remastering is simple with my HOWTO.

I can not imagine using the stock kernel when there are so many goodies out there
that can be included.
If you have the time, I would like to know what kernel mods would you add. I use the stock kernels because I have found that they work on a wide variety of HW (I admit that I do have to use a lot of cheat codes) but I have not found it necessary to further customize the kernel. I will even admit that I run the latest stock 2.6.9 Debian kernel on my parent's PC. Personally I see no need to do a custom compile.

Thanks for you time,

12-13-2004, 06:31 PM

Thank you very very much for your excellent reply. I am anxious to try out your new HOWTO
to see if I can remaster knoppix 3.7. I follow the HOWTO's verbatim but somehow the author
seems to assume that I know something that I don't OR the software moves too far ahead
of the documents. INCIDENTLY, I had always been taught (no, beat over the head) to DOCUMENT
MY WORK! He meant comments in the code AND written documents. Hehehe. I think we
Linux users need to keep it up. ;-)

I would be happy to add to your HOWTO or make a seperate HOWTO concerning custom
kernels. My RH Fedora RC2 custom kernels all run flawlessly. They have been extremely
effective. Just so you know, I prefer to run a monolithic kernel using only what I need.
My Knoppix kernel is also monolithic but includes just about everything I think I might
run into out on the "field". I should probably use the modules for the field. ;-)

For my Fedora Kernel, I have about 4-5 kernels for various tasks. One of them has the CLOOP
patch and works just fine. The others have things that I only occassionaly need so I can reboot
and choose one of them. Mainly, I tweat them out as much as possible! I like to run lean
and mean. :twisted:

I will look over your HOWTO and try to remaster (using stock kernels for now) and after that,
maybe we could collaborate! Let me know what you think.

Again, thank you thank you!


12-16-2004, 02:35 AM
following those steps, after i switch to user knoppix within the second half and try to run startx, i get errors saying cannot start ksmserver and that theres not enough memory to run. i have 1GB of RAM with 1.5GBs of swap, all working. and startx as root works. so it's gotta be a problem with the user's config/permissions, but i can't figure it out. any ideas? using remaster 1.6 and knoppix-3.7-en

12-16-2004, 03:17 AM
following those steps, after i switch to user knoppix within the second half and try to run startx, i get errors saying cannot start ksmserver and that theres not enough memory to run. i have 1GB of RAM with 1.5GBs of swap, all working. and startx as root works. so it's gotta be a problem with the user's config/permissions, but i can't figure it out. any ideas? using remaster 1.6 and knoppix-3.7-en
Thanks for taking the time to try out the HOWTO. Thanks for the feedback. Based on your post, I went through remastering again with Knoppix 3.7 public english and did not run into any errors. I actually copied and pasted the commands so that I knew I had typed them correctly and not made any typos. I am sorry that you had problems with the HOWTO and unfortunaetly I do not have any suggestions on how to fix that error.

12-16-2004, 03:35 AM
i played around some with permissions of /tmp and /var/tmp and for some reason, after doing that i was able to get it to work
thanks for looking into the problem, and overall a great howto (the apt-get front end helped me so much, coming from gentoo's emerge)

12-16-2004, 03:43 AM
i played around some with permissions of /tmp and /var/tmp and for some reason, after doing that i was able to get it to work
thanks for looking into the problem, and overall a great howto (the apt-get front end helped me so much, coming from gentoo's emerge)Good, I'm glad you got it to work. Its good to hear from another Gentoo user here at knoppix.net. :D

12-16-2004, 04:03 AM
haha i'm not exactly converting, just using it for it's far superior hardware detection ;-)
really tho, i got a dvd burner and felt it was time to experiment with partimage so i could have a 15 minute windows install preconfigured with drivers and programs (i use windows around 2 days out of the month, so i'm lazy securing it. this makes it easy to repair when/if it dies or gets bloated).

anyway, is there a decent way to switch window managers from kde to xfce4? i want to completely remove kde, except for qt and kdelibs (which k3b needs).

when knoppix starts up, it autoconfigures the XF86Config - is there any way to make it default use 1280x1024 instead of 1024x768? is it as simple as resaving XF86Config-4?
thanks for the help
ewww just realized knoppix STILL uses OSS. i'm definitely not stopping until i can get a custom kernel w/ alsa enabled to boot. 2.6.9-nitro4 here we come. if i get it to work and it requires not-simple steps i'll post a heads up for y'all

12-19-2004, 04:09 AM
- Version 1.0.3 - Saturday December 18, 2004
- - - Credit Ian Naylor as a creator of the remastering scripts
- - - Changed title of HOWTO

12-29-2004, 03:52 AM
Think might have found a problem with the "Create compressed fs" when it
asked if you want "Do you want to cleanup your remaster"

I wrote a script to do some things at boot, also added cupsys to start.
Both kept getting deleted. Boot the remasted cd and cups wasn't started
and my symlink in /etc/rc5.d to myscript in /etc/init.d was also gone.

While the cleanup was going on, switched consoles and did a
'ls -l /mnt/hdb1/remaster/etc/rc*.d' and both mentioned were gone.
Stopped the cleanup and chrooted back, update-rc.d cupsys defaults.
Checked again and was there now.

Started the cleanup again and wiped them out again.
Next time didn't choose to cleanup and cupsys and myscript stayed.

Am I doing something wrong when remastering or is the cleanup removing
the links in /etc/rc*.d folders?

Looked thru the KNOPPIX.clean script and not seeing anything that would
do it, but maybe I am too tired. Spent quite awhile to get things just right
and why this problem occurs has eluded me, but looks like I have a work
around. Haven't tested the new burn yet.

New burn worked, so the cleanup was killing my links to cupsys and myscript.
Now they work. Haven't tried it, but might just be able to run cleanup, then
chroot back and add the default runlevels you want, then make the iso.

01-05-2005, 07:43 PM
dear sneakerski I've got the same problem but i can't figure out how to solve problem...
just a little help ...

i played around some with permissions of /tmp and /var/tmp and for some reason, after doing that i was able to get it to work
thanks for looking into the problem, and overall a great howto (the apt-get front end helped me so much, coming from gentoo's emerge)

01-06-2005, 10:02 PM
Hello manage to remaster using this How To. Thanks a lot for this the only questions I have is if i want to change background, startup html page like that info about knoppix? Where and in which stage of remastering i should do it?
Plus is it possible to change the background of boot loader? and that small window which shows what is loaded during booting to X?



01-13-2005, 01:00 AM
Have a question.. I followed this How To on remastering the cd but at the remastered CD whenever KDE starts the KDE mix starts as well? Does anyone met this problem?


01-13-2005, 01:57 AM
I need to spend some time investigating the problems that people are running into. The earliest will be this coming weekend.


change background, startup html page like that info about knoppix? Where and in which stage of remastering i should do it?
Plus is it possible to change the background of boot loader?
I could be wrong, but I think the background is set via 45xsession.
Startup HTML page is in the Knoppix.build/KNOPPIX.Master directory.
The boot loader is isolinux. Google isolinux for for info.

and that small window which shows what is loaded during booting to X?
I do not understand this one. Please elaborate.

remastered CD whenever KDE starts the KDE mix starts as well? Does anyone met this problem?
Yes. When you exit KDE and drop back to the command line, either KDE is saving your session (and keeps KMix open for the next session) or KMix is not staying in the icon tray as it should. I get around this by manually closing KMix before I exit KDE.
I hope this helps.

I need more time to address everyone's concerns.

01-13-2005, 10:07 AM
Re the kmix problem, I too had the same problem when remastering fior the first time. I don't even have sound on my test box, but I remastered and it went away. I have remastered a few times since and it did not show up again. I suspect I clicked on something in the kde control centre that made it happen the first time.

re the background image, the following proved useful for me in conjunction with the great HOWTO by Underscore.

It's from http://www.knoppix-std.org/docs/customize.html the site also has some info on how to insert default cheat codes etc into syslinux.cfg I also read somewhere else that you may need to pad out the syslinux.cfg file if u edit it, so just add or subtract the hashes at the end of the file to match the number of characters that you added or subtracted from the original file.

Edit your preferences: The preferences for the knoppix user account are set under /etc/skel/. For instance, the KDE K-Menu can be found under: /etc/skel/.kde/share/applnk/. This gets copied to the /home/knoppix directory on boot. Other preferences you might want to configure:

/etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig : knoppix boot options, like which windows manager to load
/etc/skel/.mozilla/knoppix/ujixazk6.slt/bookmarks.html : Mozilla bookmarks
/etc/skel/.kde/share/config/kickerrc : KDE Kicker panel
/usr/local/lib/knoppix.jpg and /cdrom/KNOPPIX/background.jpg : background image : 1024x768
/usr/share/apps/ksplash/pics/splash_top.png : KDE loading splash screen : 400x244

You can also create users and set passwords while in the chroot'ed environment.

Now my current problem is getting my kmenu modifications to stick after compressing and making the iso. My remaster remains intact but the new iso puts back all the kmenu items that I removed, back to default kmenu. Kmenu items for new software additions appear to remain however? Anyone found a solution to that?

have fun!

01-13-2005, 04:03 PM
2 stest - It's great. Thanks a lot thats exactly information that i ve been looking for. :D

2 James - Thanks for your effort.:)



01-18-2005, 09:30 AM
Now my current problem is getting my kmenu modifications to stick after compressing and making the iso. My remaster remains intact but the new iso puts back all the kmenu items that I removed, back to default kmenu. Kmenu items for new software additions appear to remain however? Anyone found a solution to that?

have fun!
Probably you are missing the step of removing original /etc/skel dirctory and replacing it with you customized /home/<username> directory mentioned in the HOWTO.

Check it and reply.

01-19-2005, 08:37 AM
Now my current problem is getting my kmenu modifications to stick after compressing and making the iso. My remaster remains intact but the new iso puts back all the kmenu items that I removed, back to default kmenu. Kmenu items for new software additions appear to remain however? Anyone found a solution to that?

have fun!
Probably you are missing the step of removing original /etc/skel dirctory and replacing it with you customized /home/<username> directory mentioned in the HOWTO.

Check it and reply.

G'day Raj,

Sadly I have tried that, suspect that something in the 45xsession script is overwriting my custom kde menu. Just need to figure out how kde menu changes are done, which files etc, and work from there.

Simple task when I get enough time to do it!

It does work fine if I use a persistent home dir. So it is possible, and the files are in the /home/knoppix dir and the /etc/skel when moved. They just don't get loaded so I can only assume that a default set of files is being used instead.


01-19-2005, 09:13 AM
G'day Raj,

Sadly I have tried that, suspect that something in the 45xsession script is overwriting my custom kde menu. Just need to figure out how kde menu changes are done, which files etc, and work from there.

Simple task when I get enough time to do it!

It does work fine if I use a persistent home dir. So it is possible, and the files are in the /home/knoppix dir and the /etc/skel when moved. They just don't get loaded so I can only assume that a default set of files is being used instead.

I too faced this problem a few times. But I don't know what exactly is the solution. As far as my experience is concerned. The best way to cutomize the menus is to boot knoppix with "knoppix 2". Then copy the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file to you custom knoppix's /etc/X11 directory. Then chroot into it. Mount proc, "su - <username>" (if you are customizing it otherwise it will be "knoppix") and "starkde". The step of su - <username> is important otherwise it will change menus of "root" account!!!

If the problem still persists, then try by replacing all "resync -Ha --ignore-existing" commands in 45xsession by "\cp -uaR"

Good Luck

01-20-2005, 08:08 AM
this how to is really good!

can you make it sticky?!

01-22-2005, 06:35 PM
OK, maybe it's just me but...

When I run the script for remastering, copy the files from the CD and then I go to chroot, the shell is all messed up. Carraige returns don't work (drop down to another line) and what I type doesn't show up. The text is entered, because I can run a command, hit Enter and it executes, but I can see what I initally entered in. I have used knoppix 2 vga=normal thinking it was a screen thing, but still no joy. i am using 0.1-6 version of the script, but 0.1-5 does the same thing. This happens at a computer at work and at home, with different CDs even, so it isn't related to that.

Is there something I am doing wrong or something that needs to be altered in the script to make the shell behave correctly?


01-22-2005, 06:37 PM
I dont't know, but I have same problem.
Probably a bug.

01-22-2005, 08:01 PM
You are correct. It is a bug and it happens randomly with practically any computer. When that happens I type exit or CTRL-D and completely quit the remaster menu script. If it seems to lock up the console I use ALT-F2 or ALT-F3 to get another console. Then I ps aux | grep remaster to get the PID of the script and kill with kill -9 PID.
I hope this helps.

01-27-2005, 09:25 AM
I too faced this problem a few times. But I don't know what exactly is the solution. As far as my experience is concerned. The best way to cutomize the menus is to boot knoppix with "knoppix 2". Then copy the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file to you custom knoppix's /etc/X11 directory. Then chroot into it. Mount proc, "su - <username>" (if you are customizing it otherwise it will be "knoppix") and "starkde". The step of su - <username> is important otherwise it will change menus of "root" account!!!

If the problem still persists, then try by replacing all "resync -Ha --ignore-existing" commands in 45xsession by "\cp -uaR"

Good Luck
Also give a look at /usr/share/applnk/ directory. Make sure it reflects the changes you made to menus. Probabaly this problem is because of these resynch command, which restore default menus from this directory.

Tell the results....

01-31-2005, 05:31 PM

I went thru this guide twice. very good guide, well done.

however in both times I couldnt get the new burned CD to run properly,
I trie on several computers it gives different errors but the same kind, like he cant find something, might be HD ?.

if anyone can help me it will be greatly appreciated,

when its booting it displays this:

Welcome to the KNOPPIX live linux CD
<checking hardware>

Accessing KNOPPIX CDROM at /dev/scd0...
Total Memory foun: 482000kb
Creating /ramdisk (dynamic size=379996k) on shared memory...Done
Creating directories on Symlink on ram disk... **Errors start running**

at the end it looks like many errors of:
I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 102960

cloop: Read error at pos 4730000 in file /cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX, 31247 bytes lost.
cloop: error -3 uncompressing block 2373 65536/0/31247/0 4732401-47403648
Starting init process.

more errors
kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-0000, errorno=5
kernel panic: No Init found. try passing init= option to kernel

01-31-2005, 08:11 PM
If you received no errors or odd messages during the remastering process then it seems you are suffering from a bad CDR burn speed, or bad CDR media, or bad CDROM drives. This is sometimes hard to narrow down & I had to use 2 different burners on 2 different PCs with 2 different CDR media to confirm that it was the CDR media brand and not my remastered ISO image. You may search the forums or see this google search (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&c2coff=1&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial_s&q=cloop+error+I%2FO+site%3Aknoppix.net&btnG=Search) to get a second opinion.
I hope this helps.

01-31-2005, 10:57 PM
Thanks Man,
i reduced the burning speed to x10 and the CD is now fully working!

thanks alot!

now the real work starts :)

02-01-2005, 09:23 PM

I encounter a strange error,
I tried it several times but nothing seems to work,
I try to change the menus so I do like it says,
everything works fine.
if I quit with ctrl-D and come back again the menus are as I configured and its all good.
however when I burn it I get default KNOPPIX theme with thier menus.

I made sure to overwrite /etc/skel and I made sure that I made the change on line 128 correct however it looks like
for the menus it takes them from somewhere else.

can anyone please help me ?

(sorry dude, didnt meant get you or anyone upset with the quote thing , just thought it would help)

I changed all the refrences of rsynch to cp like said in the comments above and it made even more mess :)
now I get totally different results.

I did followed the HOWTO step by step (a lot of times).

however I almost sure there is a problem with customizing the menu,
changing this line (with the 9th rsynch) not resolving, maybe it should be cp instead of rsynch only on this line and line after.

I will work on it tomorrow and update onthe results hopefully it will be good.

thanks alot for the quick replays and this for making this HOWTO, its just great.

thank you.

02-01-2005, 09:53 PM

I encounter a strange error,
I tried it several times but nothing seems to work,
I try to change the menus so I do like it says,
everything works fine.
if I quit with ctrl-D and come back again the menus are as I configured and its all good.
however when I burn it I get default KNOPPIX theme with thier menus.

I made sure to overwrite /etc/skel and I made sure that I made the change on line 128 correct however it looks like
for the menus it takes them from somewhere else.

can anyone please help me ?
First, please edit your post and delete the quoted HOWTO from your post as it is annoying to quote the entire thing and will only serve to confuse search engines.

Second, as I have provided exact steps & exact commands in the HOWTO, you must provide the same level of completeness. In order to figure this out so that all people can benefit, I will need your exact commands and also the very detailed info of any deviations you have made from the HOWTO. I have run the HOWTO commands verbatim ( in a ssh windows & I was able to copy & paste them) so I know that they work. This means I have a high confidence level of the HOWTO. This seems to point out that people who are having problems are doing something different.

Third, I think some of the problems people are having are due to booting Knoppix differently. Notice in the /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession file that there is more than one rsync command. These separate rsync commands are used to make changes to the /home/knoppix directory based on how the user is booting knoppix (ie: as a normal Knoppix sesssion, as a saved on floppy or USB knoppix session, or a poor man's install).


02-02-2005, 04:16 PM
I have the same probelem, I followed the exact steps as in How To, When I was working in X I used the Menu Edit and create a new item in the menu, but after i burned the cd it wasn't there. Something overwrited it.
Have a question. what if just before making a compressed filesystem boot from a cd, make changes and then synchronise with an unpacked system on a hard drive

sudo rsync -a /home/knoppix/ /mnt/hda2/remaster/etc/skel/
and then finish off the remastering as usual boot from run level 2, run the script and so on..
maybe it will work?

02-02-2005, 08:55 PM
Got it,
its not a perfect solution and I dont know why it works/didnt works.

Ill be glad if anyone will find a better way to make it work and without the errors it gives.

stage 1:
to make your menu and X-windows the way you want I do as follow:

vi /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession

comment out lines 125 - 154

and save the file.
(comment out is putting # at the start of each line).

stage 2:

vi /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig

at line 1181 after the fi in new line i add:
mkdir /home/knoppix
cp -R /etc/skel/.??* /home/knoppix
chown -R knoppix:knoppix /home/knoppix

make steps 2 & 3 and burn the iso.

thanks again for the author for making this HOWTO,
it saved me alot of time and I hope the steps here will help others (even if its not perfect solution.)


02-02-2005, 11:52 PM
I found the solution just tried it now and it worked in my case without any errors. Just before making the Compressed Filesystem step in this How To I reboted the machine and boot into the normal environment made modifications in menu using menu editor and then from root shell I synchronised the runnig system, with the system on hard drive.

sudo rsync -a /home/knoppix/ /mnt/hda2/remaster/etc/skel/

then boot again from run level 2

and run the script.

worked just fine.

02-03-2005, 09:23 AM
Many people are complaining about the menus (including me). I don't know what method you are using to test your remaster (most poeple might have tried "knoppix 2" and then at the command prompt "startx", I guess). Doing so is indeed a problem as the menus are restored to default. The solution I found was to boot into "knoppix", fire a nested X server from one terminal, chrooted into my remaster in other terminal, mounted proc, exported DISPLAY and run strartx. Changed the menus and exited. Similarly "su - knoppix" if you want to customize menus for user "knoppix". Then logout, in the chroot environment "rm -rf /etc/skel" and then "mv /home/<user> /etc/skel" and "chown -R root:root /etc/skel". It works.

I've even changed the compressed file system name as well the default user, but I don't had to change anyting in "/etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession" except for replaying resync command with cp where the profiles of "mozilla" were created.

If you are changing the default user to something else, you'll have to take care of "xsession" file too that exports a global "USER" variable.

I'm looking forward for response.

02-15-2005, 01:00 PM
The solution I found was to boot into "knoppix", fire a nested X server from one terminal, chrooted into my remaster in other terminal, mounted proc, exported DISPLAY and run strartx. Changed the menus and exited. Similarly "su - knoppix" if you want to customize menus for user "knoppix". Then logout, in the chroot environment "rm -rf /etc/skel" and then "mv /home/<user> /etc/skel" and "chown -R root:root /etc/skel". It works.

Hello the way i wrote before dunno why worked only once. :( Dunnot really understand, but just wanted to ask can you go a bit more in detail about your way.



02-16-2005, 09:36 AM
Hello the way i wrote before dunno why worked only once. :( Dunnot really understand, but just wanted to ask can you go a bit more in detail about your way.



Just follow the steps: -
a. Fire two root shells.
b. In first shell type "Xnest -ac -geometry 800x600 :1
c. In the second root shell: -

1. chroot into the source.
2. mount proc.
3. mkdir /home/knoppix
4. cp -Rp /etc/skel /home/knoppix
5. chown -R knoppix.knoppix /home/knoppix
6. su - knoppix
7. export DISPLAY=Knoppix:1.0
8. startkde
9. Make necessary changes in the menus etc.
10. logout.
11. exit user knoppix
12. As root type "rm -rf /etc/skel"
13. mv /home/knoppix /etc/skel
14. chown -R root:root /etc/skel
15. umount proc
16. exit chroot
17. compress and burn.

(All this has been narrated in detail in this HOWTO)

Make sure the changes in menus etc. are reflected in /usr/share/applnk directory.

Tell me the result.....

02-23-2005, 09:23 PM
Hello Finally tried it but didn't succed I was following remastering process described in this How To I was chrooted in remaster (removing/installing some programs) when I press Alt+F2 to open another shell where I typed Xnest -ac -geometry 800x600 :1 which didn't work then alright i decide to still continue mount proc but I used "mount -t /proc" then when I start export DISPLAY I think it gave some error as well don't remmber exactly so kde couldnt start as it couldn't find a DISPLAY=Knoppix:1.0.
What did i do wrong? What could go wrong?



02-24-2005, 09:08 AM
I think you had booted into knoppix in run level 2. All the process I had narratted was to be carried within X windows. You had to open root terminal from the knoppix menu twice to accomplish the task.

The command Xnest is used to start another Xserver from within the X window system. I had given the error while exporting the display before X server at :1 was not availble.

Try the comands after booting into X window (run level 5) system then post the results...

03-10-2005, 01:14 PM
Hello Didn't work again. Everythig went fine but at the end changes didn't stick, I suspect that the problem can be in
1) me booting to wrong run level ( i just booted to normal system, pressed enter on boot )
2) I edited line 128 in 45xsession after i made changes
3) used menu editor ( maybe need to use something else
Can any of this be the case? And i got a different color theme in remestered cd, even though i didn't change it.



03-10-2005, 02:03 PM
dont make it complicated.
its very simple.

vi /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession

comment out lines 125 - 154

and save the file.
(comment out is putting # at the start of each line).

stage 2:

vi /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig

at line 1181 after the fi in new line i add:
mkdir /home/knoppix
cp -R /etc/skel/.??* /home/knoppix
cp -R /etc/skel/* /home/knoppix

chown -R knoppix:knoppix /home/knoppix

make steps 2 & 3 and burn the iso.

this will solve all your problems.

03-13-2005, 11:20 PM
Hello Thanks for this solution, I tryed today but I got a bit confused, in a step two when I have to add a new line after the fi in line 1181, I dunnot have such thing in congif, maybe its cause I usind different version of knoppix 3.6?



03-14-2005, 09:07 AM

I'm facing a strange problem. After booting into the GUI (KDE) the remastered version of KNOPPIX 3.3 sometimes sorts icons automatically but sometimes not. I couldn't figure out the solution because there is no change in script "/etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession" in the area where it creates the autostart entry for sorting icons.

Can anyone help?????

03-21-2005, 11:11 AM
Thanks. This is great job.

I was able to start kde in the remastered zone. I made many changes to the desktop. I installed a new theme and new icons style (Nuvola). While using the scripts (./knoppix-remaster /mnt/hda2/remaster ) and start X as user knoppix, I am able to see these changes, but when I compress the remastered distro, It did not pick them up. I went back to the scribts environment and I was able to see them. Is there a file that controls this that I have to modify manually?

03-21-2005, 04:26 PM
Thanks. This is great job. You're welcome.

I am able to see these changes, but when I compress the remastered distro, It did not pick them up. I went back to the scribts environment and I was able to see them. Is there a file that controls this that I have to modify manually?
Please check the HOWTO. Did you edit the /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession file so it would rsync ALL the files from /etc/skel to /home/knoppix? Did you move /home/knoppix to /etc/skel before creating the compressed filesystem?

If you have done those, then I have noticed that some people have had very similar problems to what you just experienced. My usage of knoppix is a straight boot off the CD with typically no cheatcodes. I do not use a persistant /home or boot via tohd or fromhd. Since knoppix can be booted & used in multilple scenarios (straight boot, persistant home, etc), the /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession file appropriately has multiple rsync entries to copy the appropriate /etc/skel files to /home/knoppix. The HOWTO describes how to edit ONE of the rsync entries and this entry is applicable to ONLY the straight boot (no persistant home). If people are running into problems with the /home/knoppix no being populated with the correct files, then it is most likely the /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession file that needs to be adjusted.

I hope this helps.

03-24-2005, 11:00 AM
dont make it complicated.
its very simple.
vi /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession
comment out lines 125 - 154
and save the file.
(comment out is putting # at the start of each line).
stage 2:
vi /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig
at line 1181 after the fi in new line i add:
mkdir /home/knoppix
cp -R /etc/skel/.??* /home/knoppix
cp -R /etc/skel/* /home/knoppix
chown -R knoppix:knoppix /home/knoppix
make steps 2 & 3 and burn the iso.
this will solve all your problems.

Used this solution and worked fine, the only question I have after the remastering system was in german language How can i change it? And Earlier before there was some errors mentioned about this way? what kind of errors?



03-25-2005, 06:23 PM

You are right. I managed to get my GamesKnoppix remastered with all options I needed by editing /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession file except knemo issue. I found the right knemorc file in /KNOPPIX/etc/skel/.kde/share/config but it is not copied to /home/knoppix/.kde/share/config. I added a line to copy it to /home/knoppix/.kde/share/config

126: if [ -z "$DONTCHANGE" ]; then
127: # No persistent homedir, copy everything
128: rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/ $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
129: rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/.kde/share/config/knemorc $HOME/knoppix/.kde/share/config/ 2>/dev/null
130: [ "$USER" = "knoppix" ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/{.kde*,Desktop} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null

I added line 129 above, but did not work. Is this the right solution? Any other solution. I would like to get rid of knemo setup every time I start the CD. Thanks.

04-06-2005, 09:43 PM
Thanks again for sharing this Howto.

I did it and it worked for me the first time. I remastered 3.4, while I wait for 3.8 to come in the snail mail.

I just did a multisession cdrom, burned iso as first session. Then burned next session with knoppix.sh and configs.tbz. I am working on a script to restore settings. (I used CDRW's to practice with...)


04-10-2005, 01:43 PM
I tried to use the scripts on the recently released 3.8.1, but get input/output errors when the scripts are extracting Knoppix to the remaster directory. It occurs at approx 17% progress. Am I doing something wrong or is the new verison different enough to cause problems?

- Paul

04-10-2005, 09:53 PM
When I get Input/Output errors... its because the CD's physically scratched/damaged. I'd reburn the ISO and see what happens.

04-11-2005, 02:39 AM
Even if the CD boots correctly? I will try another disk, but that seems like an odd error when the disk works.....

- Paul

04-11-2005, 03:51 AM
As for the errors ay 17%, I remastered 3.8.1 today and had no I/O errors.
Proud is right. I/O errors usually indicate either a bad CDR, burnt too fast, or a too sensitive CDROM drive. Reburning the CDR at a slower speed usually fixes the problem.

I will update this HOWTO this week to accomodate 3.8.1.

I hope this helps.

04-11-2005, 04:43 AM
Gotta love this forum! Thanks for the quick response by Proud and UnderScore on the bad burn. EDIT: A new CD burned at a slower speed did the trick!!! :)

- Paul

04-11-2005, 03:26 PM

Can you help me here? I got KNOPPIX 3.8 remasterd very well when running from CD. When I install it on HD, KDE will not start. It accepts the password but will not start except by going to the command line and starting X from there. I did as mentioned here:
but did not work. Is there a way to solve it during the remaster stage? I did remaster Knoppix 3.7 with no problems whatsoever.

As far as I/O errors at 17%, I remember that happend to me. I solved it by running your scripts at init 2 and did not get any error.

04-13-2005, 07:23 PM
I had no problem using the scripts with 3.7, but I am having a terrible time with 3.8.1.

I have tried several times, using xfs and ext3 filesystems, to cp the cd to the hard drive; but everytime that it gets to ~70% it will give a quick error message and return to the menu. When I chroot it only lists a few *.deb's. I am now just using the standard remaster tutorial.

04-20-2005, 08:02 PM
As for the errors ay 17%, I remastered 3.8.1 today and had no I/O errors.
Proud is right. I/O errors usually indicate either a bad CDR, burnt too fast, or a too sensitive CDROM drive. Reburning the CDR at a slower speed usually fixes the problem.

I will update this HOWTO this week to accomodate 3.8.1.

I hope this helps.

I am planning to remaster 3.8 using the HowTo, but the HowTo says it's been tested on 3.7

Where is the updated HowTo?
The latest changelog in the original is Dec 2004.

04-26-2005, 01:19 PM
If you are remasting Knoppix for a language other than: en ja be da dk zh, you need to add it at line # 123

123 MYLOCALE="$MYLOCALE C en ja be da dk zh"

in the file named:Knoppix-3.4.mkcompressed to work for your language.

05-02-2005, 05:40 PM
Updated Monday May 2, 2005 for Knoppix 3.8.1
More updates & additions soon!

05-02-2005, 06:04 PM
Considering the time it takes to remaster (depending how much you change), is there a way to keep up to date with Knoppix (scripts, kernel, etc) so that I don't have to remaster when a new Knoppix version comes out?

1) I'm not sure whether I need to stay up to date with Knoppix, but it would be nice.

2) I suppose my question assumes that I'm only making basic changes (e.g., adding/removing packages) and not recompiling the kernel.
This brings up another question. If it is possible to keep up to date with Knoppix, what can I not change?

05-25-2005, 03:41 PM
I have been using the guide from UnderScore with great success.

Exiting Kmix before logging out, replacing the background.png file, etc has all worked beautifully.

I have a few questions though.

- How do I prevent the background from showing (or just no being stretched to fill the screen) while the KDE splash screen is displayed. After everything is loaded the background goes back to just being centered, but man is it ugly when that thing is stretched to fill the screen while the splash is displayed.

- How do I prevent the web browser from opening up on loading?


05-25-2005, 05:09 PM
I have been using the guide from UnderScore with great success. :) Glad to hear it.

- How do I prevent the background from showing (or just no being stretched to fill the screen) while the KDE splash screen is displayed. After everything is loaded the background goes back to just being centered, but man is it ugly when that thing is stretched to fill the screen while the splash is displayed.If I recall correctly, it is controlled by 45xsession or some config file. I use the command line to discover where things are called:
cd /etc
grep -iRn 'background' * | grep -vi 'binary'

cd /etc/skel
grep -iRn 'jpg' * | grep -vi 'binary'
I think Knoppix uses up to 2 backgrounds while loading. Check to see if there is a /usr/local/ (*jpg, *png, *gif)or /usr/local/lib/(*jpg, *png, *gif) in the 45xsession.

- How do I prevent the web browser from opening up on loading? The /home/knoppix/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop file is a desktop launcher/script that opens up Konqueror and displays the /cdrom/index.html. Again if I recall correctly, it is called from 45session. You can either remove the KNOPPIX.desktop file or edit the script where it gets called and comment that out.

I hope this helps.

06-08-2005, 07:29 AM

I have been using this script all these while and love it. However, i have a request here. Can the scripts be customised to cater for kanotix-2005-03 too?
The new iso uses squashfs. Or with an additional option?

Thanks for creating such a nice script. It really helps!

06-12-2005, 09:27 PM
Does this HOWTO work with KNOPPIX 3.9?

Thanks in advance...

06-12-2005, 09:56 PM
No. Knoppix 3.9 has a buggy UnionFS and this makes remastering Knoppix 3.9 fail. If you intend to remaster, then you must use Knoppix 3.8.1 or 3.8.2.

06-12-2005, 11:10 PM
Thanks UnderScore. I'll use 3.8.2 then.

06-21-2005, 05:17 PM
Hi all, I just remastered very succesfully with this script, but, I want to change the original cheatcodes, logo and everything is under /cdrom/boot/isolinux/

How can I do it before the compression?



06-21-2005, 05:31 PM
Hi all, I just remastered very succesfully with this script, but, I want to change the original cheatcodes, logo and everything is under /cdrom/boot/isolinux/
Pedro, see

06-21-2005, 05:49 PM
Hi all, I just remastered very succesfully with this script, but, I want to change the original cheatcodes, logo and everything is under /cdrom/boot/isolinux/
Pedro, see

Thank You UnderScore. I wasn't clear, sorry. I followed your Howto (It is Very good), but I also used the remastering scripts You proposed, and I still like to take advantage of them. I have been doing remastering succesfully the old way, changing every thing I needed, but I don't know nor figure out how to do what I ask for with the remastering script. Have You or any one any idea?


06-29-2005, 01:17 AM

Moran suggested a hack with line 1181 in knoppix-autoconfig.

Unfortunately, this does not apply to the version I have - 3.8.2

Am I using the wrong version? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


07-06-2005, 01:01 PM
This was already earlier asked in this thread, but unfortunatly not answered;
why are symbolic links removed by the script from /etc/rc0.d /etc/rc1.d....?
Actually I want to build a remastered CD that starts up with FTP, apache and SSH.
Furthermore I built a script that preconfigures a bridge from all existing NICs.
I did this by placing the script into /etc/init.d and putting symbolic links into the folders /etc/rc2.d and so on.
Immediatly when starting the script I could see that it removes the symbolic links from the /etc/rcX.d folders.
is there a special reason for that, or is there another method how I can get a knoppix LiveCD where FTP, apache, SSH is started by default?
where do I have to place my script in order to get it executed by default when booting the remastered CD?

thanks a lot for this very detailled HowTo and excellent script.
If I get my above mentioned issues working I am totally satisfied and happy with it!

nice greetings from austria,

07-06-2005, 03:20 PM
why are symbolic links removed by the script from /etc/rc0.d /etc/rc1.d....?In the menu, the option to "Clean up remaster." will remove symbolic links from /etc/rc0.d /etc/rc1.d ...
You can either skip the option "Clean up remaster.". Or you can edit the knoppix-remaster script and comment out those lines that delete the symbolic links. Or you can check this thread http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19826 where a workaround is discussed.
I wish you success. :)

07-06-2005, 05:41 PM
@underscore: you are right. simply skipping this part does the job and i still have my symlinks on the LiveCD :D
after trying that i succeeded with my first remastered Knoppix thanks your detailled HowTo.

Thanx for that!
kind regards from (in the meanwhile sunny) austria!

PS & Offtopic: Now, I just have to find a way of simply skipping out everything unneeded from my remaster.
I plan to have a runlevel 2 only system housing apache, ftp, ssh and bridge. nothing else needed.
any hint what is the fastest method to find out which packages I can drop? actually all kde, x11 stuff etc...

07-06-2005, 05:56 PM
@underscore: you are right. simply skipping this part does the job and i still have my symlinks on the LiveCD :D
after trying that i succeeded with my first remastered Knoppix thanks your detailled HowTo.

Thanx for that!
kind regards from (in the meanwhile sunny) austria!
/ChristianI'm glad it worked. :)

PS & Offtopic: Now, I just have to find a way of simply skipping out everything unneeded from my remaster.
I plan to have a runlevel 2 only system housing apache, ftp, ssh and bridge. nothing else needed.
any hint what is the fastest method to find out which packages I can drop? actually all kde, x11 stuff etc...In general, yes you can remove all the X11 & KDE packages. The removal of packages has been discussed in the past. I hope these are useful.

07-06-2005, 07:33 PM
I have made some remasterings with menu based scripts according UndeScores's how-to and everything seems fine!

Anyhow, I have some problems as seen in .xsession-errors:

xauth: creating new authority file /home/knoppix/.Xauthority
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
/usr/X11R6/bin/iceauth: creating new authority file /home/knoppix/.ICEauthority
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
kbuildsycoca running...
Link points to "/var/tmp/kdecache-knoppix"
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qtrc.tmp' for writing
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.4: undefined symbol: init_keyboard_layout
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::insertKAccel( kaccel = 0x81b88d0 ): KAccel object already contains an act
ion name "del"
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writiing

I have used Knoppix 3.8.1 but have changed in /etc/apt/apt.conf "testing" to "sarge", and have updated everyting with 'apt-get dist-upgrade'.

I have changed owner of /tmp/.ICE.unix to root as should:

chown root:root /tmp/.ICE-unix
chmod 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix
but anyhow I got _IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root . What should be changed in remastering scripts so that owner and permissions are also OK in CD? I think that this and those other errors are not fatal but slows down starting KDE.

Btw, I had also problems with KMIx which started automatically to the desktop (I would like it to stay in launch panel only). I just changed K menu -> Control Center -> KDE Components -> Session Manager to start always a new session when logging in. Is this OK? It really works!


07-08-2005, 07:43 AM

I'm trying remastering kernel Knoppix 3.8.2, and I have a problem with UnionFS, I think. When I boot my iso, I see an error message over "CANNOT unite ramdisk" or something like that. Does anybody know to solve this problem? Have I to replace this module too? In "Knoppix custom kernel howto" I didnīt see anything about it.

I had the same problem with Knoppix 3.9, but I supposed the reason was a buggy UnionFS, but now I think Iīm doing something wrong

Best regards


07-13-2005, 05:54 AM
Hi Folks,

I have been using this howto, actually probably the same howto posted on the wiki. I seem to have run into a problem inbetween versions 3.7 and 3.8.2 and haven't been able to get past it so far. After having created the remaster image, booting with knoppix 2 lang=us, copying etc/X11/XF86Config-4 to .../remaster/etc/X11. Start the remaster script and chroot, then chmod on /tmp to 777, su to knoppix, and cd (home). Everything is great until the point where I startx, and it comes up in German. Exporting lang=us prior to startx doesn't help.

I've got to be missing something dumb, could some kind soul please point it out?


07-13-2005, 11:44 AM
Everything is great until the point where I startx, and it comes up in German. Exporting lang=us prior to startx doesn't help.

If I understood your question right, you don't have right locale settings in your remaster partition when starting X. Just copy /etc/sysconfig/i18n from you Knoppix CD to the same location in your remaster partition and check time zone (tzconfig).


07-13-2005, 01:44 PM
Thanks much for the quick reply.

There was no /etc/sysconfig/i18n in the remaster, I copied it from the expanded cd. Now gdk complains local not supported by C library, kde is not supported. It looks like there may be some more files that need to be copied or something? I'll go through the howto after work, maybe I missed something since the change to 3.8.2...


07-13-2005, 05:30 PM
Hey, Thanks for the great scripts! They make it much easier. I used the script and all I want to do is add a directory to / called touchscreen. I chrooted into the remaster directory (using the GUI) and added the directory and put a README file in it just as a test. I ran the knoppix.mksortlist and the new directory was listed as `/touchscreen/README 90`. I created the compressed fs and then the ISO and burned the CD. When I boot the CD the directory is at /KNOPPIX/touchscreen not /touchscreen. Why is that happening and how can I get it to be in /touchscreen.


07-18-2005, 01:22 PM
I am successfully using the script (1000 thanks to UnderScore) and built my own remaster.
I created another user which is also successfully available then in the remastered version, but unfortunatly the home-folder is not there anymore.
Therefore I receive an error-message when logging in with this user, saying that the home-folder cannot be found.
I guess the /home/knoppix directory gets created on-the fly dynamically during boot up.
Do I have to do the same for myuser?
if yes, how?

thank you in advance!

07-18-2005, 01:42 PM
Yes the home directories get created in the linuxrc file located in the minirt24.gz or minirt26.gz depending on which kernel you are running. Chances are that you are running the minirt24. You have to copy the file somewhere, unzip it and them mount it as a loop file (mount -o loop minirt24 /mnt/somwhere... or something like that). Then edit the file to create the directoy and do the reverse. The file is in the Knoppix.master/boot/isolinux directory of the remaster.

07-22-2005, 10:02 PM
_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root

Okay, my solution was to add some lines in /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig (lines 1223-1229 in Knoppix 3.8.1) after last "fi":

# Setting right permissions and owners to /tmp/.ICE-unix and /tmp/.X11-unix
mkdir -p /tmp/.ICE-unix 2>/dev/null
chown -R root:root /tmp/.ICE-unix 2>/dev/null
chmod 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p /tmp/.X11-unix 2>/dev/null
chown -R root:root /tmp/.X11-unix 2>/dev/null
chmod 1777 /tmp/.X11-unix 2>/dev/null

This corrects that error message and KDE startx a little bit faster. Hope that this would be included in original Knoppix CD too.


08-06-2005, 08:21 PM
I made some modifications to knoppix-autoconfig by adding following lines after last "fi":

# Setting right permissions and owners to /etc/qt3, /tmp/.ICE-unix and /tmp/.X11-unix
mkdir -p /tmp/.ICE-unix 2>/dev/null
chown -R root:root /tmp/.ICE-unix 2>/dev/null
chmod 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p /tmp/.X11-unix 2>/dev/null
chown -R root:root /tmp/.X11-unix 2>/dev/null
chmod 1777 /tmp/.X11-unix 2>/dev/null
chmod 777 /etc/qt3 2>/dev/null

# Copy everything from /etc/skel to /home/knoppix
mkdir -p /home/knoppix 2>/dev/null
cp -Rp /etc/skel/.??* /home/knoppix 2>/dev/null
cp -Rp /etc/skel/??* /home/knoppix 2>/dev/null
# mv /home/skel knoppix 2>/dev/null
chown -R knoppix:knoppix /home/knoppix 2>/dev/null

I think that home directory for user knoppix can be done in this early stage (before starting X) because in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession is always --ignore-existing before copying files.

These modificationg might be too complicated and I have forgotten what difficulties I had using 45xsession when copying files from /etc/skel to /home/knoppix. So this is only my temporary solution for KDE 3.4.1. Perhaps someone knows a better way to do these thing than I have done. I think that with KDE 3.4.0 was no problem in populating /home directory.

Hope there would be an updated 45xsession and knoppix-autoconfig file in next Knoppix release to solve these owner and permissions problems and /home/knoppix directory population problems.


08-07-2005, 01:02 AM
Here are a couple of small observations. (1) The HOWTO is so well written and clear that I I got a little lost when I didn't see the commands for exiting chroot at the appropriate places, evem though it is mentioned in the text. Actually sticking them in the command examples would make it just a little more explicit. (2) Most folks attempting this will be familiar with the apt-get way of life. But some may be a little newer (like myself). The HOWTO mentions grabbing updates from a local mirror. HHow about adding this OPTIONAL section for explaining how to do just that.

The following OPTIONAL section explains how to update your apt-get sources list to point to a fastt mirror near you. While in the CHROOT environment, type the following commands:

apt-get install apt-spy
apt-spy -d testing -a north-america -e 3

where apt-spy will test 3 mirrors (-e 3) in North America (-a north-america) that host the testing distribution of Debian (-d testing, versus stable, unstable, or security) and will REPLACE /etc/apt/source.list with information that will allow apt to download updates from the faster mirror tested.

09-28-2005, 06:49 PM

First of all I got to say thanks for that working and really easy to follow howto ... I've been searching quite a lot on the web to find the way to modify Knoppix and this is by far the most complete howto there is ! I wanted to contribute a little bit so here it is:

I succesfully Remastered a Knoppix v4.0.2 CD with this howto so it could be added to the list of compatible versions...
There is 3 things you need to know to do it successfully :
1. There's a bug with the knoppix remaster script ... after your done copying the whole cd on the drive you got the stop the script type exit a couple of times to reset the tty then restart the script ... if you don't do this you wont be able to see what you type :?
2. The part talking about /etc/X11/XSession.d/45xsession didn't really worked ... I used this thread to make my environment like I set it up : http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18156 (BTW the lines to comment aren't really the same numbers as stated in the thread but they are really closed. Use common sense and you'll figure it out ! :wink: )
3. The part that are stated for knoppix 3.8.2 do not apply to 4.0.2

Thats it, thats all. For the rest if you follow the instructions, you won't have any problems!


09-28-2005, 06:51 PM
Oh yeah I forgot ... this should be sticky for sure !

Harry Kuhman
09-28-2005, 07:04 PM
Oh yeah I forgot ... this should be sticky for sure !
Iym not sure what this is, but rather than clutter the top of forums with many stickies, now that the new wiki software is up and functional, we are encouraging people to place information that they consider useful to many users in the wiki. That way it is well organized in a place where it can easily be found and can be maintained by all who are concerned about it. I invite you to move and edit any information that you would consider important enough to be made "sticky" into the remastering section of the wiki (reached by the documentation link near the top of this page).

The wiki, of course, also welcoms new submissions. If you are about to respond to a question in these forums and the information might help more than just the person who asked the question, consider writing your response in the form of an entry in the proper place in the wiki, and then just posting a link to that wiki entry as your response in the forum. That way the information will be well indexed and made available to many.

11-10-2005, 01:52 AM
Hi, All
First of all, thanks to UnderScore to write such a cool HOWTO ! :D

in these few days i've been remastering Parallelknoppix 2005-08-02 version, which based on Knoppix 3.9, and the only thing that became a problem was, when i'm going to startx (after **START OF LAST HALF** on this HOWTO) than came out a message about permission of /tmp, and all i do is chmod 777 /tmp just like for Knoppix 3.8.1...and treat the rest of the howto as KNOPPIX 3.8.1...i don't know whether the author of Parallelknoppix has fix the bug on UNIONFS on it...

but than again...everything works well until i've burned it into CDR, all of the Application software that i've add in console mode
was fine, but all of KDE customization on graphical mode after startx (after**START OF LAST HALF**) have gone !!!...
Any suggestion ? is this problem has something to do with the 45session ? (i'm trying to try this out today)..

Thanks in advance

Warm greeting from Indonesia


PS : Sorry for such a bad english :oops:

11-16-2005, 11:09 AM
Hi again

i'm trying to 'saveconfig' (knoppix menu) the desktop and menu change into usb flash, -> which will turns into configs.tbz and knoppix.sh, and copy it back to the directory where the remastered reside

/mnt/<partition>/KNOPPIX or somewhere else it has configs.tbz and knoppix.sh, so it will rewrite it

,right before i'll burn the cd,

using konsole outside the chroot....

hope it will work

12-06-2005, 04:47 AM
Hi , i want to make knoppix customizing with eclipse inside. I follow this tutorial, glad i have no trouble.
But when i execute the eclipse. it says , it need rw in folder ( /usr/share/eclipse/workspace ). I just answer , is the solution is make a symlink to /var folder ? ( i heard that all symlink will be erase when i do the create compressed fs ).

12-07-2005, 02:04 PM


First of all, thanks for the hard working of developing this tool. I have been using Knoppix since 3.1, but, never try to remaster. This tool definitely will make this task a lot easier.

I read through all the posts in this thread. Before I dive into the remastering project, it will be appreciated if someone here can tell me if it is possible to use this tool to get what I am looking for.

I got an Open Source scientific software, on a normal hard drive install (SuSE or Fedore Core), I need to un-tar/unzip the source code to specific folder (say /home/knoppix/Software, ....), then, I need to un-tar/unzip the binary code to specific folders (I am not sure where exactly the binary go to), then, I need to edit /home/knoppix/.bashrc to refect the changes. Each time, I open up a shell terminal, .bashrc executed.

So, in the tool, after I remove the packages I do not want, what will be steps to install this special Open Source software?

Thanks a lot for pointing to me a direction.


12-22-2005, 12:05 PM
Is this supportsfor remastering knoppix 4.0 also

08-10-2006, 04:59 PM
I have done my remastering with menu based scripts and are going to use them also in the future! But now I have a problem I can't solve myself.

I would like to use gfxboot as shown in http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/User:Ml#grub_gfx_boot but don't know how to modify these menu based scripts. The problem is action 3. Create isofs. I have tried to modify Knoppix-3.4.mkcompressed but get an error message:
/KNOPPIX.build/mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot catalog directory 'boot/isolinux'! I have changed links from /boot/isolinux to /boot/grub, and boot.cat is where it should be under /boot/grub, but I have not succeeded yet.

Or could someone show me how to create isofs in command line if directory sturcture is as is used in menu based scripts? How to change following lines?

mkisofs -pad -l -f -r -J -V "MYKNOPPIX" \
-b boot/grub/iso9660_stage1_5 \
-c boot/grub/boot.cat -o ../myknoppix.iso \
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table knoppix_iso_directory
Which directory level should this be run?

EDITED 12.8.2006:
I got it! I run this from /media/hda12/remaster_knoppix5.0.1/KNOPPIX.build/Knoppix.Master/KNOPPIX-CUSTOM/ directory in my system:

mkisofs -pad -l -f -r -J -V "SuomiKnoppix" \
-b boot/grub/iso9660_stage1_5 \
-c boot/grub/boot.cat \
-o ../SuomiKnoppix.iso \
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 1 -boot-info-tab \


08-12-2007, 11:39 PM
So I'm at this point here:

Now I get the remastering scripts located at http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/remaster/, extract the scripts, and setup my directories.

wget http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/remaster/remaster_0.1-6.tar.gz
tar zxvf remaster_0.1-6.tar.gz
mv remaster-0.1 scripts
cd scripts

It does not appear that this directory is valid... Can anyone point me to the right place where I can get these scripts??

10-19-2007, 02:04 PM
Thank you underscore for a very well written "How-To".

Are the scripts still available for download?