View Full Version : Stuck in Lars environment

10-05-2004, 03:27 AM
Well, I went playing around in desktop environments and now I cant get out of one. (I'm on an office compter now). the screen is totally gray with an X for a curser and in the bottom right corner there is a bracket with the letters {a b c d} and each one appears when you place the X over it. In the brackets next to that are {tcrsb} when I click on of those, it just changes the letter showing on the bracket to the left. How do I get out of here??? I want my kde wwwwaaaaaaa.

any ideas of where I am and how to get out?



10-05-2004, 03:47 PM
Hi Helios......I hear ya! Its happenedto me twice, which was enough to convince me that this has got to be the STUPIDEST windows environment there is. I dont know why they even include it in Knoppix cause it can probably be replaced with one that actually lets you get out! My advice is to just ignore it and use FLUXBOX or ICEWM which are very nice. If you get stuck in LARS, I have NO CLUE how to get out either! Just re boot and when you get to the login, go to where you choose your windows manager and pick SOMETHING ELSE!!!! bob

10-05-2004, 04:15 PM
Isn't it control alt F (something)?

10-05-2004, 04:35 PM
because I am so stinkin lazy, I set it up for auto login...I hit control alt backspace about amillion times in a minute and it forced it into a text login. I then typed startx and it put me into kde with an 800x600 resolution. from here, I should be able to go in, cancel the auto login and reset it. Then change the environment and go from there. Who the f*** designed this Lars environment. I would like about 4 minutes alone to speak with them....alone



10-05-2004, 07:22 PM
Hi Helios......I hear ya! Its happenedto me twice, which was enough to convince me that this has got to be the STUPIDEST windows environment there is. I dont know why they even include it in Knoppix cause it can probably be replaced with one that actually lets you get out! My advice is to just ignore it and use FLUXBOX or ICEWM which are very nice. If you get stuck in LARS, I have NO CLUE how to get out either! Just re boot and when you get to the login, go to where you choose your windows manager and pick SOMETHING ELSE!!!! bob

10-05-2004, 11:39 PM
I really do not think ANYONE uses lars.....ANYONE.....I did research a bit on web and it apparently was designed for low resource machines.....which is cool i guess but maybe its not a program but a cunning VIRUS! :lol:

07-02-2006, 11:54 PM
The simple answer to this problem is Ctrl+Alt+Shift+q This should shut down the larswm and get you back into the login screen. I know this is a late answer to a solved problem, but if it can help any future cases it should still be mentioned.

HÃ¥vard :D