View Full Version : Remastered 3.6 iso is bigger (even I don't add nothing)

10-05-2004, 12:57 PM
I successfully remastered a few version of KNOPPIX, but this version I cannot. My new iso is too big to write on CD, I try to copy source KNOPPIX dir and make iso and the size id bigger too. Is there any problem with this version of KNOPPIX ?

Steve F
10-05-2004, 04:53 PM
If I recompress an untouched V3.6 I get a larger iso that won't fit on a CD also. Since I am removing almost everything, I didn't worry about it. There is an option to the compresser to try to get the most compression but instead of taking 35 minutes when not using the option it took about 14 hours and it only saved a couple percent of space. It was not worth it for my configuration since I am compressing about 300 megs down to a 124 meg iso and can easily fit on a mini CD. All my remasters boot and run from my test partition including recompressing the whole distribution. If your remaster won't run maybe there is something you need to change to your scripts when remastering V3.6

10-06-2004, 06:22 AM
Yes, I know I can remove some unwanted things, but in this version of KNOPPIX must be an error, because all of earlier version works fine after remastering (I mean without need to removing) . I don't undestand.
From version 3.4 there is one bug with Czech support in KDE, in knoppix-autoconfig.sh , so I need only to make change in this file and remaster, but without success .... DAMN :x

10-06-2004, 09:44 AM
I don't think there's an error. It's just that this latest version of Knoppix pushes the size limit more than the other versions you tried to remaster. Therefore, unless you take care to get maximum compression, the iso won't fit.

You may find the easiest things to delete are some of the language files for KDE. They are big, plentiful and mostly not needed for anything specific enough to require remastering. Deleting one or two you won't be using should do the trick.

10-06-2004, 10:09 AM
How is possible original iso have good sized iso, and I don"t make any change and my remastered is is larger ? Is there any unknown solution to make remastered iso with correct size and with all features in original ?
Which method of remastering used an author of original ISO ?

Steve F
10-06-2004, 06:11 PM
Here are the sizes I get for V3.6:

The download iso 733,499,392
The burned CD 733,499,392

The KNOPPIX file on CD 725,253,780
Recompressed with -b option 733,916,879
Recompressed with out -b 754,579,405

The -b option takes a lot longer to run than without and I would only use it if I had to get that little bit extra in order to fit.

There is a remaster script around here that includes reordering the files that are compressed to speed up the booting process. It may be that compression percent is sensistive to where the different files are in relation to each other during the compression stage.

10-07-2004, 08:19 AM
OK, I can try -b option,
