View Full Version : floppy config & PC card wireless

03-26-2003, 04:59 AM
I have knoppix 3.2 on my laptop and using wlcardconfig got my wireless working great. I then used the utility to save my config to a floppy so I don't have to do that manually every boot.

Everything works fine but when I boot and load the config fromt the floppy the system comes up but Knoppix doesn't see my PC wireless card.

Looking at the screen while booting it loads up fine as before but after the PC card stuff boots the floppy config load starts and pc card services is getting restarted and an error occurs.

Has anybody done this successfully? I'd hate to have to manually configure each boot and lose my email, etc.


03-26-2003, 05:14 PM
Just an update:

I opened the config file Knoppix created on the floppy and there are commands to shutudown card services and then restart them. For some reason the restart fails to find the wireless card and that's the reason for the problem.

I wonder if I can remove the card services shutdown and try that?