View Full Version : New to Knoppix

10-16-2004, 12:38 AM
Hey im new to this OS. the reason why im on this is because my computer has no BIOS and Windows XP wont install. Yes, im pretty sure it has no BIOS. knoppix is pretty cool. i was wondering if i could install (.exe) programs on my HDD. I know that there are alternatives and decent bundled software, like Gaimm for MSN Messenger but i want to know if i could just have MSN Messenger. I also have other things like Warcraft 3, Norton Antivirus, and Winamp that i want to install, i havent figured out how to do that. Warcraft 3 is a must for me

Also, every time you reboot your computer, does Knoppix discard all changes (prefences, cookies, saved files, programs)?

Lastly, is there a way to not have the CD in the CD Drive and successfully run Knoppix? Thanks for your help

the following a link of me requesting help for installing Windows XP, no luck

10-16-2004, 01:13 AM
Are you running XP or knoppix or what? Every computer has a bios. Try F1 or delete or Fsomething at boot up (right when you turn it on start hitting that key and keeping hitting it until it enters the setup/bios). I hit F1 and I am on an HP. Different key for different computer brands.

10-16-2004, 01:40 AM
Compaq do have bios, so does any other pc.
Usually to access bios on compaq, you need to hit F10 or F2.
But on older compaq, there is a utility hidden by manufacturer in harddisk partition. This utility will let you enter bios.
If you/someone partitioned this drive, that utility will be gone and you will not be able to enter bios by hitting keyboard's key.
You can install this utility, usually compaq will give you diskette contain this utility.
You also can get this utility from Compaq site, search under driver.

Good luck
:D :D

10-16-2004, 05:18 AM
Compaq do have bios, so does any other pc.
Usually to access bios on compaq, you need to hit F10 or F2.
But on older compaq, there is a utility hidden by manufacturer in harddisk partition. This utility will let you enter bios.
If you/someone partitioned this drive, that utility will be gone and you will not be able to enter bios by hitting keyboard's key.
You can install this utility, usually compaq will give you diskette contain this utility.
You also can get this utility from Compaq site, search under driver.

Good luck
:D :D

I had to replace the manufacturer's HDD, so that is why my new HDD doesnt have this utility. youre the first person who didnt say "what are you talking about? every computer has a BIOS". however, my computer is fairly new (2000) and didnt come with the diskette, so im not sure if the downloadable utilities are compatible with my system. im going to look for it.

10-16-2004, 05:30 AM
hmmm i cant find the utility

below is my search for "diskette" under "5320CA"
http://www.hp.com/cgi-bin/cposupport/ccsearch/displayans?sni=compaqpres93208&lname=Compaq%20Presario%205320CA%20desktop%20PC&pname=Compaq%20Presario%205320CA%20desktop%20PC&qry=diskette&pname_desc=Compaq%20Presario%205320CA%20desktop%20 PC&opname=Compaq%20Presario%205320CA%20desktop%20PC&lang=en&ctry=us&display_lang=en&ctflag=&search=0&stype=pn&ptype=consumer&iqry=&scat_sni=compaqpres89327&parse=&pn_sni=compaqpres98743&sn_oid=93208&plc=&temp_hql=phomes,sw,faqs,email,chat,c_hp&spname=Compaq%20Presario%205320CA%20desktop%20PC[

10-16-2004, 06:25 AM
Try this first:

if that doesn't work, then proceed with this dirty trick I often used:
Remove either your mouse or keyboard than boot your pc.
The best way is to use a dead battery and replace the battery in your pc. But I Don't advice this to amateur.

:D :D

10-18-2004, 01:45 AM
thnx, now the BIOS works.

how do i play Warcraft3 with Knoppix?

10-19-2004, 02:42 AM
You could always try useing wine. Though thats not gaurented(sp) to work.