View Full Version : Failure to save Configurations-Persistant Home or saved Conf

03-26-2003, 05:22 AM
Knoppix is fine for a first Time Linux user. I am using V3.2-2003-23-EN and boot fron CD. It does not find my network card(DFE-530TX) or parrallel port Zip Drive. I configure the net card from the drivers list and also The DHCP selection and voila I have Internet. I then made a persistant home on my Prime HD(30 MB in Size) and also saved my config to the same drive. I also setup my USB HP932c Printer. Neither Knoppix home=scan(or the long version) or Knoppix myconfig=scan(or the long version) commands bring up my Netcard or printer settings, things that I assumed were saved to be retreived at start. Am I doing something wrong?(PC P3 1G 512Ram, 2 20gig Maxtor drives-10 gig free on main-WinXp Pro installed). Knoppix does also see my CD-RW and DVD-CD. Is there some bug in the save routines ? I have yet to get the Zip to work(boot with disk In-re posts here). Any Help would be appreciated greatly.


03-26-2003, 10:02 PM
What's file system on the HD partition are you saving the config file to?

If it's NTFS you're out of luck. Knoppix won't support writing to that file system as it could destroy the whole partition if something went wrong durring the write. Save it to a FAT or Linux partition. Floppies are too small to save the typical 5-10 Mb file.

03-27-2003, 01:16 AM
The file system is FAT32. I finally saved both persistant and config after repeated retries with no real explanation as to why they were not saved initially ?
