View Full Version : Basic Poor Mans - Question

Mic Q
10-16-2004, 11:42 AM
In the Basic Poor Mans text , item 5 the following statement is made

" (Do NOT save your 'personal configuration' data when you also have a persistent home. You must deselect it every time you save.) "

Anyone knows why?

10-16-2004, 05:01 PM
I think this message is trying to say that, since your personal configuration data is already 'saved' as part of your persistent home you shouldn't try to save it again as a 'save config' file.
This would apply only to personal setups which are hidden files in your /home directory. Save config will also save setups which are in /etc such as fstab so you can automatically mount other drives on boot up, etc.
There was a long discussion on persistent home & setups a while back:

10-18-2004, 04:24 AM
I'm not sure. Someone else added that. It wasn't in my original text. Such is the nature of a WIKI.:wink: There have been a lot of things claimed to be "rules" of using a PMI that are nothing but folklore, as far as I can tell, but I'm hesitant to remove it because: (1) I haven't proved that it isn't true, (2) someone will probably just repost it anyway, (3) it's not really harmful.

I have heard some people claim that saving config with a PH is is a redundancy, but I haven't heard of any actual harm that would result. Nor have I tested the claim. There are some claims in that thread that have been disproven (e.g., that you can't put the config and PH in same partition - sure you can!), so I would take some of those claims with a grain of salt. I tried to incorporate what I learned into that article when I wrote it.

Personally, I have left the checkbox selected numerous times with a basic PMI, so I guess I don't know what the big deal is.
