View Full Version : starting from scratch

10-17-2004, 04:18 PM

after the download completes can i extract to a burnable cd instead of hdd so i can just boot off my hard drive?running winXP

10-17-2004, 04:40 PM

My guess, is that you are downloading the ISO file, correct :?:

If so, that file is a IMAGE file, it contains the complete "bootable" image of Knoppix ( I assume you are downloading the Knoppix ISO file )...

It is intended to be used as an image within a CD Burner software - you want to place a blank CD in your writter drive, fire up your CD Burning software, and "point" the burner software to USE that file as a IMAGE...

If you have made multiple copies of anything, you know that you can save a "file" that contains the "image" that is used to create a CD, and your burner software doesnt need to keep reading the "source" CD multiple times, then.... That is what the ISO file is, an image used to make multiple CD's with... The ISO file was generated that way, in the process of being used to create those "multiple" CD's with. Most CD Burning software has a setting inside of it, to use a file as a "image" for burning a CD with. You do not want to just burn the ISO file to a CD, nor do you want to actually "unzip" this ISO file - doing so, will only create a CD Coaster that can not be booted, or a lot of disk space being taken up on your hard drive, that doesnt do anything either.

This is pretty much a "common" problem on Knoppix.net, and this kind of question, has come up many times, if you would like to have more information of this, try entering something like:

"iso" "burning" in the Search Knoppix.net text box above, the search should come up with quite a few hits, and find a subject, or discussion, that fits your issues - This topic has had so much input, that I am quite sure you can find even a response on your exact "CD Burner" software, though NERO appears to be the more frequently used burning software...

Hope this helps,
Ms. Cuddles

10-18-2004, 12:56 AM
Maybe this is what you want:

Maybe this one too:

Personally I have no NTFS partition so.........