View Full Version : Running Knoppix

10-18-2004, 08:11 PM
I've been messing with my computer for quite some time now and I can't seem to get internet access through Windows 98SE via LAN (WiFi AND CAT5). I've wiped and reformatted my HD at least a dozen times within the last month or so and finally got access only through Knoppix 3.3 (lol, yes, yes, I know it's an older version but it's the first time I've gotten internet access on my computer in about 3 months).

In a nutshell **I'm curious if am able to install Knoppix completely onto my hardrive**. My sound card driver is on CD and if I can't free it up I'm stuck without any sound support. I guess when it comes down to it I'm happy as long as I have browsing ability and a MuD client (if anyone has a suggestion for a nice one I'd appreciate it).

Thanks for the help~

10-19-2004, 01:39 AM
this is first time i could ever say rtfm, so i'll be sure to not make it an rtfm:)

just cruise to the main forum and go to the section entitled hdd install. it will walk you through it. be sure to read it all before installing. be well