View Full Version : Building minirt24.gz help

10-19-2004, 12:54 AM

I would like to build a new Live CD using the 3.6 Knoppix with some additional software and drivers. I have the kernel and modules (pcmcia-cs, etc.) built. I then copied the new bzImage to linux24 in the /boot directory and then used remaster scripts to create a new image file.

However, when I boot off of the resulting CD, it gets to the boot screen (after the initial splash), loads the penguin icon and prints out the "Welcome to Knoppix Live CD" message and that's it.

I'm assuming there's something missing from the minirt24.gz file, but I'm not sure what. I've unzipped and mounted the file and looked around - mostly it seems to be a bunch of sym links back to the distro.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

10-19-2004, 02:46 AM

I would like to build a new Live CD using the 3.6 Knoppix with some additional software and drivers. I have the kernel and modules (pcmcia-cs, etc.) built. I then copied the new bzImage to linux24 in the /boot directory and then used remaster scripts to create a new image file.

However, when I boot off of the resulting CD, it gets to the boot screen (after the initial splash), loads the penguin icon and prints out the "Welcome to Knoppix Live CD" message and that's it.

I'm assuming there's something missing from the minirt24.gz file, but I'm not sure what. I've unzipped and mounted the file and looked around - mostly it seems to be a bunch of sym links back to the distro.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Try doing a side by side comparison to the orignal. Since it stopeed there my guess is that it doesn't know to search for the cd.

10-19-2004, 02:28 PM
within that gz file

linuxrc is file to look, understand and edit

hope this helps