View Full Version : Novice with Knoppix 3.6 - Crashed XP Hard Drive

10-19-2004, 03:05 AM
Booted Knoppix 3.6 CD okay on crashed computer. See "hpa1" icon on side,...Just want to save files I can recover.
Need instruction on how to save files/folders from "hpa1" to burn to blank/or formatted CD. Have CD writer and DVD writer on crashed machine. ( icon 'cdrom' has knoppix 3.6 CD, icon 'cdrom1' is DVD writer ).

10-19-2004, 09:24 AM
To burn a CD using Knoppix use the application k3b. It is in the menu under "multimedia".

You might want to read over the page Computer first aid using Knoppix (http://www.shockfamily.net/cedric/knoppix), It has more instructions - sounds like you might need to go through a few steps to get the CD burner to work.

10-19-2004, 02:01 PM
Thanks, ...I have read the link above, but the specific instructions are for Ver 3.2 , and the CD burner 'activation' section appears to have been revised in k3b for ver 3.6.
Instructions in the link above are vague, like 'hit 'enter' four times because I can't see the bottom of the window on the screen??????????? this does not appear to apply to Ver 3.6 which gives me a window listing the two CDroms and asks for a change???????? Don't know what to do to activate burn capability after see this k3b screen.

Thanks to anyone who can clarify.

10-19-2004, 07:39 PM
I'm going through the same process myself. I haven't had any trouble using k3b to burn a disc, but I'm having trouble getting the files to k3b from my crashed XP drive.

I don't know how to burn directly from the XP drive. When I try to open the hard drive in k3b, it puts the drive on the list to burn. Obviously I'm not going to be able to burn a 57 Gig hard drive on a CD.

I can drag small files to the desktop & burn from there. But if I get more than about 300 Meg in combined files or one large file, it locks up trying to move to the desktop.

I'd love to save some of those large files, & I don't want to only burn about 200 Megs per CD to back up my old drives.

10-21-2004, 05:43 AM
this does not appear to apply to Ver 3.6 which gives me a window listing the two CDroms and asks for a change???????? Don't know what to do to activate burn capability after see this k3b screen.

Just click OK - I think ver 3.6 is pretty much set up for you. Give it a go and let me know what happens. The key part of it is that you need two CD drives - one for the Knoppix disk and one for the blank CD you're going to burn onto.

I don't know how to burn directly from the XP drive. When I try to open the hard drive in k3b, it puts the drive on the list to burn. Obviously I'm not going to be able to burn a 57 Gig hard drive on a CD.

Try this:
1. click the icon on the desktop for the hard disk partition you want to copy files from. This will mount the partition so you can read files from it, and open a file browser window. (sounds like doing this inside K3b won't work, as you have discovered :-( )

2. start K3b and click on "New data CD project"

3. To get access to the individual files on your hard drive, use the tree-view on the top left to browse to the appropriate spot:
- open up "Root" --> "mnt" --> "hda1" (or whatever your partition is)

10-22-2004, 03:59 PM
That worked perfectly for me. I'm so happy that I'll be able to rescue all my XP files.

I'm really liking Knoppix, but my wife is getting tired of it. She wants her Windows back.