View Full Version : Can't get knoppixlang.py to work on iso for language change

10-19-2004, 10:19 AM
A friend gave me a copy of KNOPPIX_3.4-2004-05-17-DE.iso. The md5sum for this checks out OK.

Of course the language for this will be German by default, so before considering burning a CD I went to


and got knoppixlang.zip. I also installed Python 2.3 on my Win2000Pro pc. I put the abovementioned Knoppix.iso, the unzipped knoppixlang.py etc files & Python 2.3 all in the same folder on a FAT32 drive.

So I open the python GUI console and enter the line suggested by the knoppixlang webpage:
knoppixlang.py --lang=us KNOPPIX_V3.4-2004-05-17-DE.iso
and i get ----SYNTAX ERROR!!!

Variants like (eg) >>>python knoppixlang.py --lang=us KNOPPIX_V3.4-2004-05-17-DE.iso, or
knoppixlang.py --lang=en KNOPPIX_V3.4-2004-05-17-DE.iso

give other syntax errors. Also, using the python command line instead yields the same non-results.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a bug in this script? Can I change the default language of my iso to english some other way (as opposed to having to manually type it in every time I boot?)

Thanks for any help - I have a slow connection and can't realistically download the en iso.


10-20-2004, 04:32 AM
You could just burn the iso you have and at boot, enter the cheatcode

knoppix lang=us

There probably is a more elegant way to change the image but if all you want to do is run knoppix in english, I think this will work.

10-20-2004, 07:05 AM
Problem fixed - the script author was kind enough to email me directly. Thanks Chris!

The line:

python knoppixlang.py --lang=us KNOPPIX_V3.4-2004-05-17-DE.iso

has to be entered in the WINDOWS command prompt, not the python shell! You then type 'y' when prompted to replace the x instances of 'de' in the iso with 'us'.

Script works very well - my German iso was completely changed to English. All menus etc in the burnt boot CD are english.

BTW: as downloaded the iso is read-only. File permissions for the iso need to be changed to allow writing by deselecting 'read-only' in the file properties (right-click on file icon) before running the script, otherwise you get "permission denied".

Strongly recommended. :D

11-16-2004, 09:02 AM
1) Open and Edit the German ISO file with UltraISO

2) Extract the file isolinux.cfg from the folder boot\isolinux right clicking on the file and selecting “Extract to…”

3) Open the file with a good Hex Editor

4) Look for all the entries with “lang=de” and change them to “lang=en”. There are as many as 11 perhaps more.

5) Save the file with the hex editor

6) Use again UltraISO to inject the file back into the same folder

7) Save the file as a new ISO file.

8) The new ISO is an English bootable Knoppix

Same applies to other languages as French. Hope this helps

Harry Kuhman
11-16-2004, 10:03 AM
A friend gave me a copy of KNOPPIX_3.4-2004-05-17-DE.iso. ......Of course the language for this will be German by default, so before considering burning a CD I ............

And the reason you don't just download the EN iso (KNOPPIX_V3.6-2004-08-16-EN.iso) is what exactly?

11-16-2004, 10:06 AM
Perhaps he's got a slow conn.