View Full Version : AOL instant Messenger

10-20-2004, 03:36 AM
Could someone plesae help me, im very new with linux as a whole, and I need help installing AOL instant messenger, I know I sound like an idiot, but I reallly need help. I went to the download page, but theres like four things to down, and im not sure which one to download, and I downloaded the "other OS" one, and im not sure how to install it or extract it or run it or whatevers wrong why it wont work, if someone could help me I would be very gratefull.

10-20-2004, 10:47 AM
You don't need it. In the K menu, try Internet -> Gaim or Internet -> Kopete. They are both instant messengers which, like Trillian, can use many different networks including AOL.

If you want to download AOL's instant messenger anyway, then you need to get the Linux version and follow the instructions for Debian 3+ on the aim website (assuming you're running Knoppix).

10-20-2004, 03:32 PM
This is just a side note. Having been a big fan of Kopete I am impressed at the ease with which the newest version of Gaim supports encryption (with the gaim-encryption plugin). Transfer of keys is transparent. I've used encryption with Kopete for some time now, but it's a lot easier to send encrypted messages to Windows users now with Gaim.