View Full Version : compiling applications

10-21-2004, 03:39 PM
Hi all,
is it possible to compile some applications when the system is booted with knoppix?
Whats to do to get it work? What is the minimum system requirement to compile applications with knoppix?
Is it possible to create a swap partition on harddisk if there is not enough RAM?


10-21-2004, 04:10 PM
If booting using knoppix cd and want to compile an application, may be will work ( ./configure && make).
But to install that compiled application, definitely a NO ( make install ).

Yes you can make a Linux swap partition and knoppix will auto detect it.

:D :D

10-21-2004, 06:11 PM
Why is my drive partitioned?

yes make sure the drive has no err0rs and is partitioned correctly...

this should stop err0rs


10-22-2004, 12:21 AM
If booting using knoppix cd and want to compile an application, may be will work ( ./configure && make).

Knoppix has support for the most obscure languages, more often then not it will work. (I think there is a flag you can pass so you can change the install directory.)

10-22-2004, 08:32 AM
Thanks for the answers.

Back to the swap partition. Have I to partition the disk before I boot knoppix or does knoppix handle it for me? I think about something like inserting the knoppix cd, boot the system it investigates the disk and gives me a choice to create a temporary swap partition that did not touch any data of the installed system. When I shut down this partition disappears and the system is like before.
Is that possible?



10-23-2004, 02:31 AM
You can creat a swap file on a FAT32 system or other linux fs.

It won't be deleted ats hutdown but you can delete it and it won't touch other files.

Try searching around the knoppix menu

A. Jorge Garcia
10-23-2004, 03:55 PM
As far as KNOPPIX having support for the most obscure languages:

I just rediscovered BASIC with yabasic (like QBASIC) and phoenix (like VBASIC) which I apt-getted. However, when I use kate or kwrite to write code, there is no template for color highlighting BASIC reserved words ala C, C++ or Java. Anyone know how to get kate or kwrite to do this with BASIC code. Or is there another editor out there that does this?


10-23-2004, 05:36 PM
iirc mcedit works. not certain about recent versions and/or it could be a compile time option or patch...
mcedit is the built in editor in the midnightcomander-clone mc

A. Jorge Garcia
10-23-2004, 08:11 PM
I tried mcedit. It doesn't color code BASIC reserved words as far as I can tell.


A. Jorge Garcia
08-16-2005, 04:03 PM

Any ideas about source code highlighting in BASIC?


A. Jorge Garcia
09-02-2005, 06:46 PM
Well, I got a little work around. KWRITE recognizes pureBASIC. So edit your basic code with KWRITE and save your files as *.pb - that's all you need to do! You get numbers in blue, strings in red and standard BASIC reserved words in bold balck. That suits me....
