View Full Version : Fluxbox unable to load wallpaper

10-23-2004, 01:37 AM
Good day,

Last night i was playing around with my fluxbox. I set wallpaper using d couples of theme i was downloaded from d net. It looks nice.

After that i return back to my KDE. [just wanna to use d oo impress- cause i still don't know d way 2 run that apps using fluxbox :?]

Then i switch again to my fluxbox. The wierd happened. i've got the xmessage saying:-

fbsetbg: Something went wrong while setting the wallpaper.
Run 'Esetroot -scale /usr/share/fluxbox/backgrounds/rude.jpg' from an exterm to find out what.

i run that command using xterm and found :-
Esetroot: error while loading shared libraries: libast.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


How can i solve tis problems? or should i download the libast.so.1 library?

Need your help and advise.