View Full Version : Knoppix Live CD errors

10-23-2004, 04:37 AM
Until a week ago I had never even used linux and tried out Gentoo. After a week I really struggled with it so I have just spent 2 days downloading Knoppix (dial-up!).
I followed all the instructions for burning the ISO image and tried it out.
I'm getting the following errors -
cloop: read error at pos (various numbers) in file /cdrom/knoppix/knoppix 29832 bytes lost.
cloop: error -3 uncompressing block (various numbers).
I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 286112 (this number is always the same).
At first I thought something must have gone wrong whilst burning the image but I have tried it another three times and the third time, I downloaded a different burning program and I'm getting the same errors.
I can only assume there is a problem with the ISO I downloaded and if that's the case case I'm gonna be pretty pissed after waiting so long. (I did an md5 check and a virus check).
Could anyone tell me if this could be caused by anything else?

10-23-2004, 04:56 AM
Until a week ago I had never even used linux and tried out Gentoo. After a week I really struggled with it so I have just spent 2 days downloading Knoppix (dial-up!).
I followed all the instructions for burning the ISO image and tried it out.
I'm getting the following errors -
cloop: read error at pos (various numbers) in file /cdrom/knoppix/knoppix 29832 bytes lost.
cloop: error -3 uncompressing block (various numbers).
I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 286112 (this number is always the same).
At first I thought something must have gone wrong whilst burning the image but I have tried it another three times and the third time, I downloaded a different burning program and I'm getting the same errors.
I can only assume there is a problem with the ISO I downloaded and if that's the case case I'm gonna be pretty pissed after waiting so long. (I did an md5 check and a virus check).
Could anyone tell me if this could be caused by anything else?

If you md5ed the iso and it came out correct then its not the image.

Perhaps the disk or drive is bad?

10-23-2004, 05:36 AM
I'm sure the disk is ok, I burnt it on to 5 different disks.
I'm sure it isn't a computer/hardware problem because I've tried it on 2 different computers with totally different hardware and get the same errors on both. Since I posted, I tried swapping cd-rw drives and tried burning it again and still get the same errors.

10-23-2004, 05:59 AM
I'm sure the disk is ok, I burnt it on to 5 different disks.
I'm sure it isn't a computer/hardware problem because I've tried it on 2 different computers with totally different hardware and get the same errors on both. Since I posted, I tried swapping cd-rw drives and tried burning it again and still get the same errors.

Definitely an ISO problem.
Try download from other site or get a help with someone with broadband.

10-23-2004, 06:42 AM
I'm sure the disk is ok, I burnt it on to 5 different disks.
I'm sure it isn't a computer/hardware problem because I've tried it on 2 different computers with totally different hardware and get the same errors on both. Since I posted, I tried swapping cd-rw drives and tried burning it again and still get the same errors.

Definitely an ISO problem.
Try download from other site or get a help with someone with broadband.

It was said that an md5 was done and I assume it wasn' succesful, so it can't be a iso problem. (Unless the md5 wasn't succesful but i'm assuming it was)

10-23-2004, 10:07 AM
Problem solved. The only thing that I could think of was that all the cd's I had burned had come from the same pack, none of which I had used before, so out of desperation I got another pack of cd's and tried again.
Sure enough, at the first attempt the newly burnt cd loaded in straight away with no problems. The first pack must have been a dodgy batch or summat.

10-23-2004, 02:50 PM

Good Job on your resolve... "cloop" errors, from what I have learned, usually result from a bad ISO, or, from what you had, a bad CD burn - nice to know you now have a "knoppix" Linux Coaster :)

CD media is pretty strange, I have found that the "cheap", and the "expensive", media, can still have problems... Bad "batches" of spindles are becoming more frequent. I tend to find a manufacturer that works, and stick with it. Most of the time, they are consistant, but, even the "best" manufacturer's can have bad days.