View Full Version : Boot error - one processor found, sorted that but...

10-23-2004, 08:28 PM
1st i had the one processor error, using cheatcodes, expert or failsafe this doesnt come up any more, all the things in the list work except it says something to do with a soundcore, already exists, and fails this happens twice in the list.

when the list is done, it says something in white, then starting somethign in blue, too fast for me to read, then the screen goes blank, monitor goes on standby as nothing is coming through, i leave it for 15 mins still nohing happens


quick spec

1gig ram 2.6 amd

5.1 sound blaster card

128 nvidia,

please help

10-23-2004, 08:45 PM
you probaly have a bad copy on the cd or it is just not compatable with your motherboard

or i could be wrkng because i never had this problem

i recomend posing your question here


only post in thescreensavers messageboard

there is over 200 people there who knows alot about computers

i have answered more then 2500 questions there

my name over there is inuyasha320

10-23-2004, 08:47 PM
by the way this is not my username on the linux forum

i am posting from someone esles account