View Full Version : Cool Video thing

10-23-2004, 11:11 PM
This is just some little thing, ok so I have knoppix 3.6, and a few days ago I was just searching around and I clicked something and it was a really cool video type thing, and it was made up of all text and stuff, and it did all these cool effects, and every once in a while would show some persons head and spin it around and do some little biography type thing at the bottom then go on, and it was really cool, but I cant remember where I got to it. please help if anyone knows what im talking about.

10-23-2004, 11:17 PM
This is just some little thing, ok so I have knoppix 3.6, and a few days ago I was just searching around and I clicked something and it was a really cool video type thing, and it was made up of all text and stuff, and it did all these cool effects, and every once in a while would show some persons head and spin it around and do some little biography type thing at the bottom then go on, and it was really cool, but I cant remember where I got to it. please help if anyone knows what im talking about.

Its called bb.

Its a ascii art libary demo.

If you like that sort of thing, try aafire for a cool flame effect.
aaxine for an AA videoplayer. (Try it with Dvd's). Use the format of aaxine file://folder/file.mpg or for dvds dvd://something.vob. The .vob part isn't needed unless you want a certains part of the dvd, other wise just dvd:// will suffice (there are currently no menu controls though)