View Full Version : Installing modem drivers

10-24-2004, 12:31 PM
I'm a complete noob to Linux and finding it quite hard to get me head round it.
I have been unable to get my modem to work Intel 536, found the drivers for Linux but find the install hard to follow.

1. login as ROOT
2. extract the archive into a directory with "tar -zxvf <archivename>.tgz"
3. cd into the directory it created.
4. Type: make clean
5. Type: make 536
6. Type: make install

login to root, does it meen open root shell?
How do you extract into this directory

I've tried several things but crashed the system .

Any help would be appreciated before I give up and go back to XP!!



10-24-2004, 12:51 PM
You might want to take the easy way out and get a hardware modem. I got mine for $12 about a year ago and it didn't require any special setup.

10-24-2004, 03:54 PM
here is a link for your real need

i realy dont know if it works with knoppix?
if one know it works, say it here.

user unknown
10-24-2004, 07:01 PM
a) yes, open a root-shell.
b) simply use the command described, to unpack.
The archive will be extracted to a new directory in the current directory, so you should move it to the considered location first.

Assuming your archive is named 536.tgz, and you would like it to be extracted in /usr/local/share, you move it there:

mv 536.tgz /usr/local/share
cd /usr/local/share
tar -zxvf 536.tgz
cd 536
make clean
make 536
make install

10-24-2004, 07:49 PM
Thanks for the replies.

1) new modem looks a good Idea!!

2) I'll follow link and keep trying

3) After some messing around started to get the idea but when i
Installed, came up with errors ( read only files mentioned).
I'm thinking I'll have to install Linux to HD to install drivers and to get them to stay after close down

Thanks again
