View Full Version : Linux server crash

10-24-2004, 05:02 PM
Hi there.

I'm having a problem using Knoppix on a crashed Linux server.

I can't get Knoppix up and running in a "windows look alike". It fail to find a suiteable graphic card.

I can start it with the command >knoppix blind< and then start mc.

My question is: How do i through mc (midnight commander) get contact with my HD? And how do i backup files to a memorystick set in a USB?

Looking forward to hearing from you;-)

10-24-2004, 06:49 PM
Have a look at the filesystems knoppix has identified and added to /etc/fstab, then mount the ones you are interested in (eg mount /mnt/hda1). Mc will see them once mounted. (Remark: "knoppix 2" would probably work just as well as "knoppix blind").