View Full Version : Receive Fax daemon

10-24-2004, 08:17 PM
I will install Knoppix on the hard disk.

I need to run some fax utility at boot time that will:
1. Receive incoming faxes.
2. Store incoming faxes.
3. Allow me to get a copy of the incoming faxes using scp.

Can you recommend some application/utility in Knoppix that is good at doing this?


10-24-2004, 10:19 PM
Not quite sure about this, I have been working on a similar issue....

HylaFax - it runs a deamon, I see it during the boot text, that it is starting the deamon...

Even though this package does use the "background" processes, what doesnt use "something" else, and is a "front-end" to other things ( ? ), but, hylafax uses the background processes faxgetty, and I think faxsend, or something like that...

Here is the man page ( s ) for HylaFax:

HylaFAX - introduction to HylaFAX server operation and file formats

HylaFAX is a system for sending and receiving facsimile. It supports
queued transmission and asynchronous reception of facsimile. Ancillary
programs are invoked by the system for flexibility and configurability.
HylaFAX includes client and server programs to support remote submis-
sion of jobs for transmission, remote removal of queued jobs, and to
remotely query the status of jobs queued for transmission. This docu-
ment describes the organization of the filesystem spooling area in
which HylaFAX server and server-related processes operate, and intro-
duces the various files that reside in the spooling area.

The spooling area is typically located under the directory
/var/spool/hylafax. Ancillary command scripts used by the server pro-
grams faxq(8), faxsend(8), pagesend(8), and faxgetty(8) are located in
the bin subdirectory. Configuration, access control, and accounting
information are maintained in the etc and config subdirectories. Out-
going jobs are described by files in the sendq subdirectory, while
received facsimile are deposited in the recvq subdirectory. The docq
and temp subdirectories are also used in the preparation of outbound
jobs; the latter holds files that may be freely purged while the former
holds client files that may reside on the server independent of an
associated job. The doneq subdirectory holds jobs that have completed
but have not yet been purged or archived. On systems with job archival
support, completed jobs that have been archived are placed in the
archive subdirectory. The pollq subdirectory holds documents that are
available for polled retrieval from the server. The info subdirectory
contains files that describe the capabilities of facsimile machines
that HylaFAX has called-this information is used in preparing documents
for transmission. The status subdirectory contains files that server
processes write their current status to. The log subdirectory contains
logging information about send and receive sessions. The client subdi-
rectory contains FIFO special files used for communication with faxq.

Hopefully, this helps

10-25-2004, 04:21 AM
Ok Thanks, I am looking into this.

It is not on the Knoppix package list.
Anyone tested this on Knoppix?

10-25-2004, 04:45 PM
OOPS :!:

Sorry, it is not included with Knoppix, I got it through an apt-get install

So, if you are running off the Live CD, it may not work for you, not sure if it is available through klik either -=- I run a hard drive install, so I am not familiar with the klik or whats available with it...

Durand Hicks
10-27-2004, 04:40 AM
I believe Knoppix comes with efax and/or efax-gtk if I'm not mistaken. Surely you can try that utility?



04-12-2005, 07:23 AM
I believe Knoppix comes with efax and/or efax-gtk if I'm not mistaken. Surely you can try that utility?



I've been looking into making my live non-hdd-install UnionFS 3.8 a fax server -- similar to the PDFservice shared printer.. but I've surprisingly found very little in terms of support.. everything I've looked at, including Hylafax and efax, seems dauntingly complicated to configure... especially when you consider "advanced" features like distinctive ringing... seems like would be a feature more people would be interested in having straight from bootup...

I mean, in the light of how support for these various features were dropped from other competing operating environments, wouldn't it be great to pop knoppix in, fire up samba, and bingo you have a PDF writer, a network fax, and... say..mass storage? Sure as heck sounds a Knoppix-type job if ever I saw one!