View Full Version : nx server still not running off of boot

10-28-2004, 10:01 AM
:/ I still have to run nx server from the 'knoppix' -> 'services' menus.

I made an sh file in /etc/init.d called startnx.sh

#! /bin/sh
/usr/bin/nxserver --start

and ran #" update-rc.d startnx.sh defaults "

it starts up and everything, but when I try to connect I get 'connection refused'... it only works when I load it up from the menus, not even when I try to run it out of the terminal

now, what could I be doing wrong? is there more than one version of nx server in knoppix? OR does anyone know how I can see what command a menu link is running? (like when u make links on the desktop) so I could atleast see what that link is doing

10-28-2004, 10:44 AM

1) Actually I don't need such script, my nxserver run on every boot. I can't figure where the script that run this server is located.

In your case, you can check if there are multiple nxserver trying to run.
Try remove your startnx.sh script first: update-rc.d -f startnx.sh remove

Then reboot your system and run this command to see if nxserver is running:
nxserver --status

If nxserver is running, then you don't need that script.

2) Check to make sure ssh daemon is running in server side
3) Check to make sure client has a static IP.
4) Have you try using thin client? It's very handy to have koppix cd in one hand and pxes thin client in on hand. Check it out:

:D :D

10-28-2004, 11:19 PM
yeah nxserver runs perfectly, I just need it to run after boot, so if I have to reboot I don't have to reattach a monitor every time and then execute the server....

It's for a machine that will not have a monitor...

well, is there a way to see what links in menus execute commands are???

just so I can copy the command from when I goto 'KNOPPIX' -> 'Services' -> "START NX Server"

so then I'd just add that command to the startup and be done with it....

I can't right click on icons under menus (like u can in winblows).

but yeah

btw after the boot and I execute 'nxserver --status' it shows that it's running

but It still refuses connections... so yeah.... if I could just see the command behind the link, then I could just copy that into an the .sh and run that no problem

10-29-2004, 04:11 AM
just so I can copy the command from when I goto 'KNOPPIX' -> 'Services' -> "START NX Server"

Now I know why, mine run upon boot. I download it from net and I'm not using knoppix 3.6 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Okay, open KDE Menu Editor and check the link where START NX Server refer tu. I believed comewhere in /etc/init.d or /usr/bin

Good luck. :D :D

11-02-2004, 12:21 AM
sudo /usr/bin/nxsetup


I went into the menu editor and found this.... now I can have everything I need to run automatically right from boot
