View Full Version : Setting up Dsl connection

10-29-2004, 11:38 PM
Ok, I just switched from knoppix 3.4 to 3.6. With 3.4 when I ran the the script that helped me automatically set up an internet connection, everything worked fine, however with knoppix 3.6 it doesn't get past the ppoe configuration... I have a dsl connection. If anyone could help me with this problem (whats new in 3.6?) it would be greatly appreciated!

10-30-2004, 03:46 PM
i'm a newbie to knoppix(linux).
I was wandering how to connect internet. I have dsl connection. tq

10-31-2004, 06:25 AM
Things to look into:

Always run networkcard configuration first before run pppoeconfig.

:D :D

10-31-2004, 01:20 PM
Always run networkcard configuration first

Do i have to put in my own ethernet ip or set to dhcp.

10-31-2004, 01:32 PM
Do i have to put in my own ethernet ip or set to dhcp.

It depends, if you run your pc from DHCP server or a router that has DHCP capability, you can choose to set dhcp or static ip with gateway set to your router's ip.

If you run from pc that not connected to a dhcp server/router, setting up static ip is a must.

Don't forget to set your ISP DNS ip if required by your isp. :D :D

10-31-2004, 01:48 PM
My pc is connected to external dsl modem by lan port. Another newbie question is :? ? Which is one should i set ? :?: dhcp or static ip.

Btw, I'm using Knoppix 3.6. Just came to know this 2 weeks ago.

It is easier to set the connection under windows. It worked in windows.

10-31-2004, 02:24 PM
hey good news! shah...

i use knoppix 3.4.

i got connect to internet.

I use external dsl model connected to my ethernet port.

Always run networkcard configuration first before run pppoeconfig.

I did the networkcard configuration. I chose to set static ip and enter the dns.
After that, I did the pppoe configuration. Walla...

I replied this post using knoppix 3.4. Yeay! :D