View Full Version : Installing new drivers on CD-Boot

11-02-2004, 07:27 AM
I just got Knoppix, and it looks like a really good OS so far, but it seems i've run in to a spot of trouble. When booting the OS, I noticed my graphics card(Geforce 6800) was not detected properly, and the only reason I can think of is that the Drivers included with the OS do not support my card.

I was wondering if it's possible to run the latest nVidia drivers with Knoppix? I'm willing to do anything I need to get it working, barring something which would possibly screw up Windows, which probably result in my early death(my dad's got some important stuff on my computer)

Thanks for any help :)

11-03-2004, 12:32 AM
There is an install script in the knoppix folder that can install nvidia drivers. Not to sure where it gets them though.

(Xfree86 should be useing the nv module, which is the generic nvidia module)