View Full Version : Can't zip more than 38.6MB from my JAZ

11-02-2004, 12:02 PM
While trying to copy over the files from my mounted JAZ 2GB disks I tried instead using the gui zip archiver and it goes fine then i've noticed that it can't get passed 36.8 MB and it just sits there trying.

I have a 16.7GB free space HD mounted as -o rw or rw on /mnt/hda4

Maybe i'll try doing everything manually and just zipping up folders/files individually or just try and copy a folder from the JAZ to the hda4. Because I can't seem to get passed 38.6MB

Tried two different disks and the same things happens.... can't pull over 38.6MB. And I have like 800MB of information

11-03-2004, 12:30 AM
While trying to copy over the files from my mounted JAZ 2GB disks I tried instead using the gui zip archiver and it goes fine then i've noticed that it can't get passed 36.8 MB and it just sits there trying.

I have a 16.7GB free space HD mounted as -o rw or rw on /mnt/hda4

Maybe i'll try doing everything manually and just zipping up folders/files individually or just try and copy a folder from the JAZ to the hda4. Because I can't seem to get passed 38.6MB

Tried two different disks and the same things happens.... can't pull over 38.6MB. And I have like 800MB of information I believe that ark uses a tmp folder, try changing the tmp folder to the hardrive.