View Full Version : Installing a permanent home dir

11-04-2004, 11:31 AM

does anybody know why - after making the home dir permanent which does work without any problems and all is still there after rebooting - the home dir still seems to have only a size of about 40 MB (which seems to be the default size) even if the actual size really has changed (in my case I installed a size of 500 MB)?
When I click on home dir in the task bar the contents of the perm home dir shows up correctly but when I right-click inside my home dir it says it still has only a size of about 40 MB!???
Inside Kb3 for instance the size is displayed correctly, showing the files that are about to be saved on CD come from a dir with a size of 500 MB!
Guess itīs only a programming error but itīs really confusing as I thought at first my home dir hasnīt been made permanent at all as it still showed only the initial default size of a home dir which isnīt permanent and is simply the one that existes aftre you boot the live CD/DVD...

Hope anybody has an explanation

Thanks a lot

Lee in Germany

11-05-2004, 06:28 PM

That is a good question, and, as you might guess, I dont have a "real" answer, for it...

I can conjecture on it though... Maybe the "persistant home" is like the "Windows Swap File", kind of thing :?:

As the size of the storage grows, the file will actually grow with it, maybe to the "maximum" that you have set for it ( 500 MB ) ???

You get my drift? In the Windows World, the "swap file" they use can be a maximum of the whole hard drive free space, but doesnt "initially" get set to that, it has a minimum, and then "dynamically" grows and shrinks to the needs, as the needs change. This could be the same thing that is happening with the persistant home ( ? ) -=- I know this is all conjecture, but, it could be proven... Create some files in your persistant home that exceed your 40 MB size, can you still add more files to the /home ? Does the "file" increase in size with new additions of created files that exceed your 40 MB size ? My guess is, if I was going to guess on this, you set a "cap" on your /home, that being the 500 MB, and the /home area doesnt need to be that actual size, at this time, so it is saving your "space" when it needs it, possibly at a later time...

I hope I am not going "out on a limb" on this one, I dont have a clue on it really, but, I do think on my feet pretty well, ( sometimes [giggle] )

Hope this, in some way, has helped,
Ms. Cuddles

11-06-2004, 01:01 AM
Acually I believe that even with a persistant home, right clicking to show free space still shows the ramdisk. Trying entering a folder and going to free space.