View Full Version : upgrade knoppix--what happens to previous programs

11-10-2004, 10:10 AM
what happens to my previous installed progrms if i install a newer version of knoppix? javascript:emoticon(':shock:')

11-10-2004, 10:45 AM
I wonder if ugrading knoppix is possible. if anyone know how to do it please reply.

11-10-2004, 01:28 PM
what happens to my previous installed progrms if i install a newer version of knoppix? javascript:emoticon(':shock:')

Well the same thing that happens when you reinstall any OS. They're gone.

11-10-2004, 07:23 PM
what happens to my previous installed progrms if i install a newer version of knoppix? javascript:emoticon(':shock:')

I think mzilikazi explained it pretty much the easiest, so, let me explain it another way...

Lets say you have Windows98 installed, with every program you ever wanted, or needed, and happily running perfectly... Then, you get WindowsXP, and it wants you hard drive to be reformatted with NTFS, which, of couse, your old Win98 install used Fat32...

So, WindowsXP reformats your hard drive, then completely installs your new OS, fine and dandy - but, what happened to your old games / programs from Win98 ???

If you have Knoppix vX installed on your hard drive, and want to install Knoppix vY, or for that matter, any other OS, on the same hard drive, the previous install will get "gutted" and evaporated to accomodate the new install ( I had to do this when I went from Knoppix v3.3 to v3.4, everything is lost, unless you install into another partition, but, you would need to still re-install everything in the new OS. )

Some Distrobutions allow for "upgrading" the OS, Knoppix is not one of those.

11-10-2004, 08:43 PM
I wonder if upgrading knoppix is possible. if anyone know how to do it please reply.

Let's rephrase that question: I wonder if upgrading knoppix is necessary?

As Cuddles says, Knoppix does not provide for 'upgrading' say from 3.4 to 3.7. However, there really isn't much difference between versions so there really isn't much to be gained by upgrading to the newest version. The biggest change in the last couple of years was when the system was changed to isolinux & the 2.6 kernel was added with 3.4. There is only minimal differences between 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3 and between 3.4, 3.6 & 3.7. I wouldn't expect much new when 3.8 comes out...possibly the 2.4 kernel will be removed & some new applications added.

Since Knoppix is Debian based, it is so easy to add/remove applications once you are installed to HD that you can easily keep your own system up to date, so there is little need for changing to the 'latest' Knoppix anyway.

So, why do it if it would be a lot of work & little gain. Put another way, why fix it if it isn't broken?

On the other hand, I have attempted to 'standardize' my own setup procedure so that I can build my particular customization quickly & easily if I have to. I use a Knoppix style HDinstall so I can remaster from it. Basically, here is what I do:

Before starting: Copy entire /home/knoppix & all config files in step 1 below to a restore location (Note: I don't have much in /home/knoppix. data files are on a separate partition with only symlinks to it in /home/knoppix)
1) edit config files (replace with saved versions): fstab lilo.cfg XF86Config-4 XF86Config-4.in sources.list 45xsession knoppix-autoconfig mkdesktophdicons
2) dselect upgrade
3) set root & user passwords
4) install flatblack cursor (I cant see the little white cursor on my laptop)
5) localepurge
6) touch frozen-bubble.wav; apt-get remove nessusd; apt-get -purge remove purgelist; remove & replace joe (the purgelist removes about 400 meg, frozen-bubble & nessusd are problem apps that won't remove properly, joe causes problems if you do an apt-get upgrade....which I will never do again)
7) remove openoffice-de-en & mozilla-de-en (apt-get remove openoffice* mozilla*)
8) replace openoffice & mozilla-browser
9) rm -rf orphaned config directories
10) remove deborphans
11) apt-get -t unstable install kdebase knoqueror kdebase kpat kget kde-multimedia-kio-plugins xmms-arts xine-arts ispell iamerican ibritish dictionary-common tuxpaint parted (this upgrade most of kde to unstable)
12) apt-get -t unstable install multimedia apps: flashplayer realplayer mplayer mplayer-mozilla mplayer-fonts w32codecs kaffiene noatun-plugins
13) replace entire /home/knoppix with the saved original file: this should setup all colors enable sound system & edit ./knotifyrc & set all fonts to helvetica
14) copy /home/knoppix to /etc/skel
15) make a remaster disk at this point for a backup and to transfer the system to the laptop. Remastering will default some setups so restore these.
16) apt-get -t unstable install gimp-help gimp-help-common gimp-help-en gimp-manual tuxracer realsoft3d blender xmms-skins kscreensavers flightgear festival (These are left till last since they wont fit on the remaster disk)
17) On laptop only: install ltmodem

Dunno if this will help anybody, I can provide more detail if anybody wants it.