View Full Version : newb - save file to HD from Knoppix?

11-12-2004, 06:50 AM
Hi - I am a linux newb and cannot see how to save anything (a text file) when using Knoppix onto the HD on the PC. I have control of the PC - either a win box or one with suse. Do I have to set permissions in the other os's first? :?:

11-12-2004, 07:07 AM
Hi - I am a linux newb and cannot see how to save anything (a text file) when using Knoppix onto the HD on the PC. I have control of the PC - either a win box or one with suse. Do I have to set permissions in the other os's first? :?:

No you don't have to set permissions in the other OS. By default Knoppix mounts disk drives as read-only - you need to change the setting before you can write to the drive.

To do this:

1. Right-click on the desktop icon for the drive you want to write to and select "Properties"

2. Select the "Device" tab (I think it's called this?)

3. Untick the box for "Read-only"

Then you should be able to click on the icon to access it.

For your SuSe box you probably need to be root to write to the drive - maybe try using the "Midnight Commander as root" to copy the text file.

A warning though - if your windows box uses NTFS (probable with win2000 or XP) you should set up Captive NTFS before you try to write to the drive. Captive NTFS is in the Knoppix menu. Search the forum or docs (link above) to find out how to use it - I never have.

11-12-2004, 08:46 AM
Brilliant! Thanks :D