View Full Version : Cant Find KNOPPIX filesystem - Booting from USB PenDrive

11-13-2004, 09:46 PM
Hi Guys,

I managed to get knoppix on the USB key (1GB Flashdisk)
Everytime when it starts, and during scanning USB-Firewire, it will return

"Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry
Dropping you to a (very little) shell
Press reset button to quit."

and drop me into shell.

I've treid nodma, atapicd, failsafe, nousb and etc, no luck :(

Any pointer or suggestions?

Thank you in advanaced for the help :)

11-16-2004, 10:48 AM
Hi Guys,

I managed to get knoppix on the USB key (1GB Flashdisk)
Everytime when it starts, and during scanning USB-Firewire, it will return

"Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry
Dropping you to a (very little) shell
Press reset button to quit."

I ran into the same problem with a few models of pen drive. I'll tell you what worked for me.

When Knoppix is looking for the cloop in /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX, it may (or may not) find it on your FAT-based flash drive, depending on what case is returned to ash(1) when it is searching your block devices for "KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX".

Apparently you can help Knoppix find its cloop by doing the following:

ungzip your miniroot.gz (it might also be mnrt24.gz or somesuch)
mkdir /mnt/miniroot
mount miniroot /mnt/miniroot -o loop -o rw
change the case of the KNOPPIX_NAME and KNOPPIX_DIR environment variables in your linuxrc file from "KNOPPIX" to "knoppix". There might be some cheatcodes for these too, in case you'd like to test it out before editing.
save the file
umount /mnt/miniroot
gzip -9 miniroot
cp miniroot.gz back to your flash drive.

That's it. Hope you find something that works.

11-16-2004, 04:23 PM
thx for the reply, it does not work, i managed to get kernel 2.4 to work with this but not the 2.6 even if i use same linuxrc