View Full Version : New HD install.

11-15-2004, 10:52 AM
So after gloriously screwing up my gentoo install last night, I just "bunged" knoppix onto my hard drive so I've got a usable distro.

Now it's occured to me that as the object of having a gentoo install previously was so that I wasn't in the perennial distribution upgrade every 6 months, that I could just update/upgrade individual things over the months.

Well I can do that with this as well can't I? (well I'm presuming so)

So where should I be looking for advice/instruction on setup/customisation/personalisation ???

Here or are there some debian forums that are worth looking into ? (or would I be best at somewhere general like linuxquestions maybe ?)



11-15-2004, 05:29 PM
Now it's occured to me that as the object of having a gentoo install previously was so that I wasn't in the perennial distribution upgrade every 6 months, that I could just update/upgrade individual things over the months.

Well I can do that with this as well can't I? (well I'm presuming so)
I could be wrong, but the Knoppix HD install works but it leaves you with a Debian system that is split between testing/unstable trees. This split makes your system difficult to remain current in regards to updates and security fixes. This is not to say it can't be done. However it may not be trivial process.
There is a Knoppix derivative called Kanotix that is specifically designed to not have a split package system & allow easy HD installs.
Google up Kanotix to read more about it.

I hope this helps.

11-16-2004, 05:16 PM
katonix eh?

Ok, thanks very much. I'll go and check that out.



11-16-2004, 05:49 PM
katonix eh?

Ok, thanks very much. I'll go and check that out.


Thats Kanotix...

You can do a Search Knoppix.net in the box above, for almost anything your heart desires, probably someone has had a discussion on anything you can think of...

As for updating, considering what UnderScore said, you might want to "upgrade" your software one at a time, dont do a "blanket" apt-get upgrade, or a "blanket" apt-get dist-upgrade - these can lead to possible problems - do a Search Knoppix.net for any of these subjects, and you will find "many" horror stories about when someone has done one of these commands. ( I am one of them )

As far as "customization" stuff, take a look at KMenu -> Settings -> Control Center -=- lots of stuff can be set for customizing your environment...

As far as installable "packages" / software - in a Command Line window, do a apt-get update, then to a apt-cache search topic - where "topic" is something you are interested in... Like this...

apt-get update
apt-cache search games

apt-cache search arcade
apt-cache search firewall
apt-cache search fantasy


Be sure you are connected to the internet, since the apt-get update wants to download all available packages from the sources you have, in the file /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-cache command can be done off-line, but, if you want to do an install, you'll need that connection, and possibly be root when you do it.

Hope this helps,