View Full Version : can't find Knoppix filesystem

11-20-2004, 11:12 AM

I remastered Knoppix 3.6, but when I try the iso-file, I get the message:
can't find Knoppix filesystem.

Even the option "knoppix nodma" doesn't help. (I had the same problem with Feather-Linux, and there, this option helped). I did not find other hints.

Knoppix searches cdrom at /dev/hdc while Feather searches and find's it /dev/scd0. Can I do anything about that ?

thansk for help

11-20-2004, 06:09 PM
I tried again and now, it works, even without "nodma" -option.

Probably I made a mistake, either in my mkisofs commands either in "apt-get remove" command.

Now real remastering work can begin. It's a lot of work, and before beginning, I wanted to be sure it will work afterwards.

I'm sure I shall soon post other questions about remastering-process.

have a nice day

Klaus :D