View Full Version : Blue logon screen ?

03-29-2003, 07:05 PM
It's not a problem but i'm curious. So when I boot from CD I got a blue screen with a "boot:" . When I boot the same CD on other computer I got a nice graphic with a logon ( boot: ) screen. The question is why my logon screen is blue ? My hardware is fully detected so it shoudn't be a hardware problem. I have ECS motherboard K7A...( i don't remeber rest ), and Duron 700Mhz , graphic card is RivaTNT M64 , RAM - 384MB. If it's my be helpfull I use Knoppix from CD.

PS>I my choosing boot from CD from a boot menu when my computer starts and on the others I change the settings in a BIOS can be it ?

Henk Poley
03-29-2003, 07:23 PM
It's not a problem but i'm curious. So when I boot from CD I got a blue screen with a "boot:" . When I boot the same CD on other computer I got a nice graphic with a logon ( boot: ) screen. The question is why my logon screen is blue ?
Ah, nice to hear that the boot graphics is still there. It worked with me on Knoppix-3.1, haven seen it in 3.2, all blue indeed. But that could be because I boot from a floppy?

I've got a Geforce4 MX440...

03-29-2003, 07:35 PM
Have you AMD processor ? I'm not sure but with Intel processor it works fine but on AMD it's a blue screen.

03-29-2003, 08:10 PM
I have another question in this topic ... Have you problems with the blue screen on Intel processor anybody ? ( I think it's not about processor it's more about motherboard and chipset but still its only a theory )

03-29-2003, 08:23 PM
I have no idea why you get a blue screen but I can tell you that both Knoppix 3.1 & 3.2 boot fine on my AMD-K7550, Intel 336, Intel 1.3G & Intel 90MHz. I would venture to guess that a blue screen has something to do with your graphics card but I couldn't say for sure.

03-29-2003, 08:53 PM
My 3.1 version worked fine but I have updated to 3.2 and know I have a blue screen. I really don't know why.

03-30-2003, 05:10 AM
My 3.1 version worked fine but I have updated to 3.2 and know I have a blue screen. I really don't know why.

I have had issues with 3.2 as well. I keep reverting to my 3.1 install because it works quite well. Without knowing every intricacy of Knoppix who's to say why this, that or the other occur when it did not before. The only thing I wish I had in 3.1 is tabbed browsing in Konqueror. Not a big issue really. It's alot of fun to keep pace with and even outdo my wife's 1.3G win2k machine. :D hehe

03-31-2003, 03:09 PM
SYSLINUX is what is responsible for displaying the graphical boot screen if your video bios supports it. I believe it will fall back to text if it can display the VGA image (you would think that every card would be able to display an image).


04-01-2003, 08:45 AM
So why the 3.1 version worked fine and in 3.2 I got a blue screen ? I didn't change my hardware. My graphics card is NVIDIA TNT2 M64.

06-15-2003, 03:28 AM
Now I have this rare problem, no graphical boot screen, with a new mother and an AMD Duron.
(no problem with a Soyo and a Pemtium III)
The other hardware remains the same.
Is there a workaround for this ?


06-15-2003, 04:03 AM
...no graphical boot screen, with a new mother and an AMD Duron.
More details on your hardware, please. Chipset and/or brand/model of MB. Video card. If a card is in the PCI slot adjacent to the AGP slot, move it if you have a slot to spare; it shares an interrupt with the AGP slot which can confuse the system or slow things down.

Also, check your BIOS settings. I have sometimes found that the BIOS default is labeled VGA graphics from PCI or something similar. Change that to AGP -- it's possible that the logo graphics are being sent to the wrong slot. Check the other VGA & AGP hardware setting as well.

06-15-2003, 04:57 AM
the mobo is ECS K7S5A Pro, chipset SIS 735
The video card is Riva TNT M64 AGP
The bios is AMI and unfortunatelly there is not anything like VGA graphics from PCI

06-15-2003, 05:56 AM
The BIOS is AMI and unfortunately there is not anything like VGA graphics from PCI
Actually, there is. I was thinking Award; It's slightly different under AMI.

Got to the BIOS PCI / Plug and Play menu -- all three items need changing from the default:

Set PnP OS = NO (not needed for Windows either, despite the manual).

Set Primary Graphics Adapter = AGP.

Set Allocate IRQ to PCI VGA = NO.

These changes are needed anyway, so they can't hurt. I have used Knoppix with great success on this MB. Good luck!