View Full Version : Can the transparent mouse be disabled??

03-30-2003, 01:46 AM
Does anyone know if the new mouse pointer in 3.2 can be disabled when running from cd (so I can use the stock kde pointer)?

On our computers at school, most of which have an intell i740 AGP video card, the new mouse pointer is a real bummer, it leaves junk all over the screen, for example to use your mouse scrollwheel in konqueror cleanly (without leaving patches of the previous window under the cursor location) you have to have to move the mouse pointer to the menu bar or the window scrollbar area. In mozilla you have to move the pointer into the window scrollbar area or you leave a bunch of orphaned window pieces all over.



04-01-2003, 05:27 AM
I figured out how to fix the botched up video on our school computers with i740 video cards, use:

Option "NoAccel"

in XF86Config-4 then everything is OK.
